Companies Related to Optics & Lasers

India Laser Association RP Photonics Photonics Buyer's Guide  
Fiber.Org EFiber-Net Optics.Org Lasers & Optronics
Laser Focus World Opto & Laser Europe Fiberoptic Ind Asso UK Laser & EO Trade
Lasers Optics UK Lasers Optics USA Elsevier Science Industrial Laser Solution
Laser Institute of America Thomas Lasers Photonics Online Photonics
PhotonicsFiber Institute of Physics Thailand E&E Hub VerticalNet
Photonics Sourcing      
Gooch & Housego NEOS General Optics Cleveland Crystals
Universal Onyx Optics Cambridge Technology CEO
Cradley Crystals Optosystems Laser SOS Crystal Fibre
Morgan Sifam DDC Tech Phoenix Infrared
    ULO Optics  
Phoenix Infrared Nufern    
  1. 3M - fiber
  2. A-A Opto-Electronics - AO Q-switch and Radio frequency devices / laser applications
  3. Acton Research Corporation - excimer and ultraviolet optics, and multi-grating monochromators and spectrographs.
  4. Adaptive Optics Associates, Inc. - fast framing cameras, motion capture systems, and micro-optics.
  5. Advanced Automation Technologies, Inc. - automated laser systems.
  6. Advanced Ceramic Technology - precision manufacture of ceramic parts with CNC machining capability, cavity
  7. Advanced Engineering Solutions (AES) - supply diodes to 100 watts QCW and drivers as well as a line of argons, and low power CO2 lasers.
  8. Advanced Photonic Systems - diode lasers. photodetector
  9. Affinity - chillers and heat exchangers.
  10. Alltec -
  11. Alternative Endoscope Instruments - endoscopes.
  12. American Laserware - laser marking software
  13. Amglo Kemlite Laboratories - lamps
  14. Analog Devices - laser diode drive chips
  15. Analog Modules, Inc. - a wide range of analog electronic products for the laser and electro-optics industries.
  16. Anderson Lasers - different lasers, testing equipment and laser refurbishment.
  17. Andover Corporation Optical Filters - optical filters and coatings, specializing in image quality and ultra-narrowband filters.
  18. Anritsu - spectrum analyser
  19. Applied Fiber Services - fiber
  20. Applied Harmonics - high-power pulsed and CW DPSS 1064nm, 532nm green, 355nm UV, 266nm DUV lasers
  21. Applied Optronics Corp - diode lasers & drivers
  22. Applied Science and Tecchnology - pulsed laser charging systems
  23. APA Optics, Inc.- products for the fiber opticcommunications, optoelectronics and laser industries, including Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexer (DWDM), ultraviolet (UV) detectors, Nitride epitaxial layers
  24. Arges -Optical Scanning solutions - scanner
  25. ART Photonics GmbH - fibers
  26. Arcconium - indium based products: solder, foil, solder paste, diode packaging materials
  27. AstroTerra Corporation - free-space laser communication systems, satellite laser communications and 3-D display equipment.
  28. ATC - SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES - laser diodes, photodiodes, light-emitting diodes and drivers.
  29. Auromatech - CO2 lasers, Zhang Yong Fang
  30. Autonomous Technologies Corporation - excimer laser instruments for laser vision correction.
  31. Avtech Electrosystems Ltd - pulse generator, current pulser, laser diode driver, and amplifier source.
  32. A.W.I. Industries, Inc. - optical products, including spherical lenses, aspheres, lens assemblies, plastic optics, fresnel lenses, injection molds and plastic products.
  33. Baasel Lasertechnik -laser engraving and graphics.
  34. B&W Tek - diode laser, drivers, lasers & optic products
  35. Barnstead | Thermolyne - deionisation cartridge, filters
  36. Barr Associates Ltd - filters & beam splitters.
  37. Bertan - power supply
  38. Bes Optics - high quality optical components.
  39. Blue Sky Research - circular, diffraction limited laser diodes and electro-optical devices & instruments.
  40. Bookham Technology Ltd - fibers, receivers & transmitters, communication systems.
  41. Boston Electronics Corp. - photodetectors, silicon plasma etch electrodes, choppers, lock-in amplifiers, Fourier transform spectroscopy, tunable IR diode laser spectroscopy.
  42. Bright Tunable Vacuum Ultraviolet Light - discusses maximum entropy and bayesian probability theory and other research topics.
  43. Brighten Optics - optical components
  44. BSC Optics - providing consulting services for optical design and testing, and supplying new and used optical components such as mirrors, lenses, mounting hardware, and instruments.
  45. Burleigh Instruments -precision scientific instrumentation
  46. Cal Sensors
  47. Cambridge Lasers Ltd - ion lasers.
  48. Cambridge Technology - scanner
  49. Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH - complete imaging systems, image processors.
  50. CHROMATRON Laser Systems GmbH - industrial laser marking systems made in Germany.
  51. Clark-MXR, Inc - ultrafast laser systems and diagnostics.
  52. Cleveland Crystals - nonlinear and electro-optics, single crystals, nonlinear and electro-optic devices, EO Q-switch
  53. Cleveland Motion Controls - AC and DC drives, brush and brushless servo drives and motors
  54. Coherent Ealing Europe Ltd - filters & beam splitters; micropositioning equipment; solid state-diode pumped lasers; lenses & prisms.
  55. Coherent Technologies, Inc. - laser radar systems and subsystems in atmospheric remote sensing and in target tracking, ranging, and imaging.
  56. Coherent
  57. Cambridge Lasers Laboratories, Inc. - laser repair and system provider
  58. Continuum Lasers - solid state and tunable laser systems
  59. Control Laser Corporation
  60. Cooler Master - heat sink with fan for CPU
  61. Cradley Crystals - ZeSe, CO2 optics, KDP, YAG rod, 
  62. CRL Smetic Technology - modulators/Q-switches.
  63. Crydom Magnetics Ltd - flow switch, flow control, horizontal detector
  64. CrystaLaser - supplier of diode pumped crystal lasers.
  65. Crystal Systems - producer of large size, high quality sapphire crystals for optics and electronics, Ti:sapphire for lasers, and silicon for photovoltaics.
  66. Cutting Edge Optronics - Diode pump modules, drive electronics, rod and slab 1 um systems and the harmonics and OPO wavelengths
  67. CVI Laser Corporation - laser optics, coatings, filters, mounts, instruments.
  68. Cymer, Inc. - excimer laser illumination sources for use in deep ultraviolet (DUV) photolithography systems.
  69. DataRay Inc. - laser analyzing products.
  70. Daen Electronics - TEC controllers
  71. Delta Developments - beam diagnostics; radiometers.
  72. DEOS - continuous, pulsed, super-pulsed and Q-switched, sealed-off, RF-excited, diffusion-cooled CO2 lasers
  73. Digital Optics Corporation - diffractive optics.
  74. Directed Energy, Inc. (DEI) - modulators, pulsed and quasi-CW laser diode drivers, power MOSFET transistors
  75. Duma Optronics - power meters, beam profilers, alignment systems, positioning systems, beam Quality measuremen
  76. EdgeWave - DPSS
  77. Edinburgh Instruments Ltd - spectrometers, helium-neon lasers, Nd:YAG lasers.
  78. Edmund Scientific - optical components: lenses, prisms, mirrors, fiber optics, filters, lasers, machine vision, telescopes, microscopes, magnifiers and binoculars.
  79. EG & G -
  80. Electro-Optical Products Corporation - AO Q-switch, scanning system, modulation system
  81. Electro Scientific Industries, Inc - manufacturing tools for the electronics industry. Laser trimming and processing systems for hybrid, multi-chip module, semiconductor and packaging manufacturers.
  82. Eliwell-ICC - temperature controller
  83. Elliot Scientific Ltd. - offers products relating to lasers, optics and mounting components, and scientific instruments.
  84. Engineering Design Team, Inc. (EDT) - data acquisition tools such as fiber optics, video and digital cameras to a wide variety of computer platforms.
  85. Entertainment Laser Association - UK based association representing entertainment laser companies involved in BTEC training courses and committed to the promotion of its members
  86. E-O Devices - pulsed laser diode drivers for OEM applications.
  87. EO Technics - laser marker, trimmer, welder, driller
  88. ES Laser Systems
  89. ESPA - water pump
  90. European Ultraviolet Laser Facility
  91. Evergreen Laser Corporation - full remanufacturing and repair of ion/gas laser systems. Sale of used systems.
  92. Every Control - temperature control
  93. Excel Precision - lasers for measurement of wafer steppers, and ultra-precision machining and measuring.
  94. EXFO Online - electro-optical engineering.
  95. Exitech Limited - pulsed laser systems.
  96. FAST ComTec - provides PC-based ultra-fast photon counting and ion counting boards, 2 GHz multistop Time-of-Flight devices
  97. FastPulse Technology Inc - electro-optic light modulators, Q-switches and a variety of high speed, high voltage electronic drivers for research and industry.
  98. Fiber Optics Online - the Internet’s leading source of business and technical information about the fiber optic communications industry.
  99. Fisba Optik - diode lasers & optics.
  100. Fisher Scientific - conductivity meter
  101. Forward Advance Technologies - laser optics
  102. Focus Software - software for optics design
  103. Freitag Technologies - Professional showlaser systems for amusement park, theater, disco and billboards. Show production fullservice.
  104. FTG Software Associates - FilmStar software for designing,monitoring, and measuring optical thin films. Scantraq data acquisition software for spectrophotometers.
  105. Full Spectrum Research and Manufacturing - laser sales, laser cutting, laser engraving, laser welding, laser metal cutting, product design and development, applied research and material research.
  106. Gamma Optronik AB
  107. Gentec Inc. - laser power meters and laser energy meters, high power beam samplers for on-line beam characterization.
  108. Golden Light - DPSS
  109. Gooch & Housego - Q-switch
  110. Goodfellow - indium foil
  111. Gould Precision Optics - cylindrical opticcs, flat optics
  112. GSI Lumonics-Optical Scanning -
  113. Guernsey Coating Laboratory Inc. - optical thin film coating, dielectric, metallic, laser mirrors and polarizers.
  114. H&H Research, Inc. - refurbished laser tubes and rebuilt laser systems.
  115. HAMA Laboratories - laser reflective photoelectric sensors and CCD based through beam micrometers.
  116. Hamamatsu - photon counting
  117. Hana Laser - laser welding, marking, cutting
  118. HB-Laserkomponenten GmbH - Lasers and Lasercomponents New, Surplus and Second Hand for Show, Industry, Holography, Medicine, University, Schools and Hobbyists
  119. Helios, Inc. - mid-IR HF/DF chemical lasers.
  120. Heraeus Amersil, Inc. - lamps, flashlamps, glass
  121. Heraeus Noblelight - lamps
  122. Hyatt Industries Ltd. - distributes laser alignment and condition monitoring systems.
  123. Hytek - TEC controllers
  124. IDAR-Laser - DPSS lasers
  125. II-VI - laser optic materials, optics, components, electro-optical products
  126. ILX Lightwave - a supplier of laboratory benchtop instrumentation for Laser Diode Control and Fiberoptic Test & Measurement applications.
  127. Imaging Source - CCD camera
  128. IMRA America, Inc. - lasers, optical receivers, photons sensors and other devices for use in scientific research, telecommunications, advanced vehicles and automated highway systems.
  129. Industrial Dynamics Co (IDC) - inspection and laser coding systems
  130. Industrial Laser Source - Sealed CO2 laser systems, integrated turnkey equipment, and laser tubes
  131. Industrial Microphotonics Company - high power laser diodes in the 780 nm to 1070 nm wavelength range, laser diode drivers, and related accessories.
  132. Infineon Technologies - pulsed laser diodes
  133. Intelite - diode lasers & drivers, fiber optics, laser display, scanner
  134. IntraActio - Q-switch
  135. Iridex - DPSS lasers
  136. Isomet Corporation - acousto-optic laser control components and electronics for information handling. Also offers digital color scanners and film recorders.
  137. ISP Optics -
  138. Janos Technology - designs and manufactures custom infrared optics, optical systems, and assemblies.
  139. JMAR Industries, Inc. - precision measurement and manufacturing systems and specialty semiconductor and laser products for the microelectronics and medical industries.
  140. JML Optical - focusing lenses, prisms, cube polarizers and beamsplitters filters coatings, shutter systems, microscope objectives, eyepieces and reticles, diffusers
  141. Jobin Yvon - CCD cameras, filters & beam splitters, diffractive optics.
  142. JRB Calibration Inc. - CMM laser calibration service.
  143. Jung Sung Marking Corporation - marking tools, machines in Korea
  144. K&L Enterprises - laser systems.
  145. Kaifa Technology, Inc. - low-cost fiber optic components.
  146. Kaiser Optical Systems, Inc. - holographic optical filters, analytical spectroscopy instruments, microscopes, dispersive spectrographs and laser protection eyewear.
  147. Kaiser Systems, Inc - DC power supplies and power conversion systems
  148. Kentech Instruments - manufacturers of fast high voltage ppulse generators and ultrafast imagers
  149. Kentek Corporation - replacement parts, flashlamps, eyewear, safety products, and more.
  150. Keon Optics - optical polishing and thin films coating
  151. Kepco - power supply
  152. Kigre, Inc. - solid state laser components, subsystems and systems.
  153. Kimmon Electric Co., Ltd. - helium cadmium lasers.
  154. Kluz International Corp. - laser engraving, marking & cutting.
  155. Kodak Image Sensors - high performance image sensors (CCD's)
  156. Kugler - CO2 optics, polygon scanner, beam delivery systems
  157. Kuhnke - Solenoids, relays, pneumatics, electronics
  158. LaCroix Optical Co. - precision optical components including simple lenses, achromats, windows, wedges, prisms, and mirrors.
  159. Labsphere Inc - manufacturer of integrating sphere photometers, radiometers, uniform light sources, and spectroscopic instrumentation.
  160. Lambda Physik - excimer lasers, DPSS, pulsed tunable systems.
  161. Lambda Research Corporation - software for optical engineers and provides optical engineering services.
  162. Lambda Research Optics - focusing lenses, cylindrical lenses, mirrors, beam cimbiners, polarizers, Brester windows
  163. LANG - laser engraving & marking machines
  164. LASAG Industrial Lasers - solid state industrial pulsed Nd:YAG laser sources. Primarily used for welding, cutting, and drilling of metals.
  165. Laser 2000 - lasers, optics and fibre optic equipment
  166. Laser and Motion Development Company (LMDC) - laser, optical, motion systems for inspection, measurement and processing panasonic robots.
  167. Laser Applications, Inc. - designing custom laser systems.
  168. Laser Beam Products - mirrors for high powered lasers and CO2 laser cutters.
  169. Laser Components GmbH - semiconductor diode; lenses & prisms, detectors, amplifier.
  170. Laser Devices, Inc. - high quality laser products, different variations of hand held laser pointers.
  171. Laser Diode, Inc. - diode lasers
  172. Laser Drive, Inc. - the design and manufacture of High and Low Voltage Power Supplies for various lasers and light sources.
  173. Laser Electronics Ltd - laser services including regassing, repair and laser hire for the entertainment industry.
  174. Laser F/X Laser Science Projects - provides information, resources and ideas for high school students interested in laser projects.
  175. Laser Laser Productions - a laser light show company producing laser light shows and art
  176. Laser Marking Technology -
  177. Laser Modules Inc. (LMI) - pump chambers, lamps
  178. Laser Power Corp. - laser optics, microlasers and technologies, from .2 µm to 20 µm.
  179. Laser Quantum - manufacturers of diode-pumped solid-state lasers and accessories.
  180. Laser Resale Inc
  181. Laser Reference, Inc.  - rotary lasers and laser receivers for construction contractors.
  182. Laser SOS - replacement parts and accessories for all major manufacturers of YAG lasers used throughout the industrial world.
  183. Laser Surplus Sales - buy, sell and trade new and used lasers, optics and scientific equipment.
  184. Laser Technology Center (LTC)
  185. Laser Technology, Inc. - measuring using laser ranging technology.
  186. Laserex Technologies - laser products.
  187. Lasermate Corporation - laser diode modules, laser pointers and diode pumped solid-state green lasers; supplier of laser diodes, optics and circuitries.
  188. LaserMax, Inc. - diode laser modules.
  189. Laseroptronix - re-sell of lasers
  190. Lasertech Group - sealed CO2 lasers (DC)
  191. Lasertools - information about new and used lasers, processing and all electric press brake.
  192. Laservall USA - DPSS, YAG
  193. Laservision Macro-Media - produces inspirational Laser based attractions, spectacular events & high impact entertainment.
  194. Laserworks - Fulluter - line of laser related products and projection equipment.
  195. LASIRIS Inc - LEDs; Gratings; vision systems; solid state-diode pumped lasers.
  196. LDI - solenoid and motorized actuator, automotive lighting, blow and injection molding component manufacturing industry.
  197. Lee Laser - CW and pulsed Nd:YAG lasers
  198. Lexel Laser, Inc.  - laser systems.
  199. LIC - power supply
  200. LiCONix - lasers
  201. LIMO - refractive microoptics
  202. Linear Technology - laser diode driver chips
  203. Linos Photonics - optical components and systems, crystal optical systems and electro-optics
  204. Light Age, Inc. - tunable solid-state lasers.
  205. Light Solutions - OEM DPSS lasers
  206. Lincoln Laser - polygon scanning components and electro-optic modules
  207. Litex Electricals - lamps, flashlamp (India)
  208. Litton Airtron - Synoptics - source of high quality synthetic crystals for the laser and optics industries. Also offering optical assembly and test services.
  209. LSC Lasers - laser marker
  210. LTG Lasertech - DCC excited sealed CO2 lasers, tunable wavelength
  211. Lucas Ledex - solenoid
  212. Lumonics Corporation - industrial lasers and laser-based systems.
  213. Lynton Lasers - design and manufacture of medical laser systems.
  214. Lytron - chiller, cooler
  215. M. A. Hanna Company - color and additive concentrates for plastics, plastics and rubber compounding and distribution of plastic resin and engineered plastics shapes.
  216. M and W Systems - cooling system
  217. March MFG - water pumps
  218. Marlow Industries - thermoelectric coolers (TECs)
  219. Marshall Electronics, Inc. - CCTV, digital cameras, laser & fibre optics, IR & UV.
  220. Maxim - laser diode drive chips
  221. Melcor - thermoelectric cooler (TECs), heat sinks, solid state chillers, thermal compounds, solder & hardware, temperature controllers
  222. Melles Griot - lasers, optics, and advanced fiber products worldwide.
  223. Merchantek Electro-Optics - laser beam analyzers, laser beam profilers, and beam power meters using CCD technology and PC based Windows 95 software.
  224. Merck - pigments, additives, colour change,
  225. Meredith Instruments - laser diodes, laser diode drivers, collimating lenses, optics, laser diode modules, lab lasers, helium neon lasers, HE-NE laser tubes, HE-NE laser power supplies, light show equipment, books, videos, and labels, miscellaneous laser components, lab laser repair service.
  226. MeshTel Accurate Projection - diode lasers, HeNe & argon lasers, super glowing fiber, laser animation system.
  227. Metrigraphics - supplier of high precision photolithographic services.
  228. MetroLaser, Inc. - holography, spectroscopy and particle characterization.
  229. Mitsubishi Optoelectronics - optoelectronics and fiber optic components.
  230. Morgan Advanced Ceramics - alumina reflectors, ceramics, pump cavity
  231. Morgan Matroc Ltd - ceramics
  232. MSE - systems integration of optics, mechanics, electronics and computer control.
  233. Musser & Associates - buys surplus optical tables, sells reovated benches provides a full turn key operation for installation.
  234. MWK Industries - HeNe, argon, semiconductor, CO2 and other laser instruments.
  235. NEC Corp., Laser Equipment and Mechatronics Division - Nd:YAG laser application systems and semiconductor device assembly related systems.
  236. NEOS - AO Q-switch
  237. Newsight Laser and Electro-Optics Information Center
  238. New Focus, Inc. - lasers, modulators, detectors, instruments, optics, and hardware for the laser research community.
  239. Newport Corp -
  240. Newport Industrial Glass, Inc. - telescope kits, glass art, optical material, optics, fabricated glass, quartz and others.
  241. New Wave Research - pulsed Nd:YAG laser systems
  242. Nextec Ltd - non-contact, 3D scanning and digitizing solutions
  243. Nocchi - water pump
  244. NoIR Laser Company - laser goggles
  245. Nutfield Technology - optical scanners
  246. Nova Gas Technologies - excimer laser gas mixtures for Cymer lasers for microlithography and Vision Correction. Also supplies gas regulating equipment.
  247. Nuvonyx Inc. - laser material processing systems
  248. Ocean Optics - spectrum meter
  249. Ophir Optronics, Inc. - laser power/energy meters, provides calibration services and manufacturers IR optics.
  250. Optical Coating Technologies, Inc. - dielectric, metallic, dichroic antireflection, beamsplitter, and hot mirrors, cold mirrors, and color filters, thin film software.
  251. Optical Components, Inc. - optical components for uv, visible and infra-red in prototype and production quantities.
  252. Optical Hybrids, Inc. - multispectral inspection technologies, 3D miniature optics, 3D display and measurement systems, infrared sapphire windows.
  253. Optical Research Associates - optical engineering software and design services.
  254. Optical Solutions - near infrared spectrometers, photometers, fiber optic probes, fiber diameter, fiber coating concentricity.
  255. Optical Works Corporation - turnkey lab systems.
  256. Optics for Research - optics, fiber optics, isolator
  257. Optima Precision - optics, mechanical components and instruments for use with laser diodes. Optima also supplies laser diodes from many leading manufacturers.
  258. Optima Research Ltd - solid state-diode pumped lasers.
  259. Opti Temp - heat exchanger, chiller.
  260. Optlectra
  261. Opto Power Corporation - diode lasers & drivers
  262. OptoSigma - optics and optomechanical components
  263. Orca Photonic Systems - custom lidar and electro-optical systems and instruments.
  264. Orziv - lasers & optics.
  265. OZ Optics - manufacturer of fiber optic components for use in telecommunications, computers/LANs, industrial, military, aerospace and medical fields.
  266. PerkinElmer - flashlamp
  267. Photomedix Lasers - for dermatological applications including the removal of hair, tattoos, pigmented and vascular lesions.
  268. Photonics Dictionary - dictionary and resource for the photonics industry.
  269. Photonics Industries - harmonic solid state lasers, specially Q-switched intracavity harmonic lasers,
  270. Photonics Online - for professionals in the photonics industry including product releases, news, application-specific articles, employment opps and more.
  271. PM Electronics - Q-switch driver, CW Nd:YAG laser power supply
  272. Polymicro Technologies, LLC - anufacturer of multimode, step-index fused silica optical fiber with polyimide, silicone, acrylate and aluminum buffers
  273. Potomac Photonics, Inc. - laser machine tools for high precision micromanufacturing and provides contract services
  274. Photonics Automation Products - solid state deep ultraviolet laser systems.
  275. Photonics Industries - DPSS, lamp YAG, YVO4, YLF lasers
  276. PolyScience - Constant temperature circulators, chillers, water baths and accessories for laboratories and industry.
  277. Polyec PI - lasers, velocimeter
  278. Power Technology Inc. - laser diodes & drivers,DPSS lasers.
  279. PRC Laser - high power CO2 lasers for material processing applications.
  280. Pruftechnik NV - laser optic (shaft) alignment systems.
  281. PSC Inc.- a major force in the worldwide bar code, retail automation and automatic identification and data capture industries.
  282. PTG Precision Technology Centre - CO2 laser cutting & engraving systems
  283. Pulsar Electro-optics - solid-state green lasers and electro-optical instrumentation and components.
  284. Purolite - ion exchange resins
  285. Purite - de-inoser
  286. QC Optics - laser based defect detection systems for the semiconductor, flat-panel display and computer hard disk drive markets.
  287. Q-Peak - high-power, diode-pumped, solid state laser systems
  288. Quantel - YAG lasers
  289. Quantex Corporation Photonics - manufactures custom photonics products - sensor cards, electroluminescent (EL) lamps and laser protection devices.
  290. Quantronix - lasers & marking systems, mask repair
  291. Quantum Optics Company - manufacturer of OEM and catalog optical components including lenses, windows, and filters.
  292. Quantum Technology - non-optics crystal, EO modulator.
  293. Resonetics - laser machining.
  294. Richardson Grating Laboratory - a wide variety of plano and concave diffraction gratings.
  295. Riegl - laser measurement systems; time-of-flight laser measurement systems for measurement of range, distance and speed.
  296. RMT Ltd -thermoelectric coolers, photodiodes, light emitting diodes, optical materials.
  297. Rodenstock Prazisionsoptik GmbH - beam diagnostics; lenses & prisms; filters & beam splitters; coating.
  298. Rockwell Laser Industries, Inc.
  299. Rolyn Optics -
  300. Rochester Photonics Corporation - diffractive and conventional optical components and subsystems.
  301. Ricky Mountain Instrument - optics, coating, filters
  302. RPMC Lasers - 150mW-10W high power red laser diodes bars & single emitters
  303. Rofin Australia - instruments based on optical technology
  304. Rofin-Sinar
  305. Roper Scientific - solutions for Raman, fluorescence, emission, absorption
  306. S & R Rubicon - materials, applications, services, research, production, sales
  307. Sacher Lasertechnik - manufactures tunable diode lasers in Littrow and Littman configuration, AR coating.
  308. SCANLAB AG - deflection and positioning systems for laser and optical beams.
  309. Schmitt Industries, Inc. - laser-based, non-contact, surface and alignment, texture, and measuring solutions, and dynamic balancing solutions for machine shop grinding environments.
  310. Schwartz Electro-Optics, Inc - lasers and associated electro-optic devices.
  311. Scitec Instruements Ltd - optical choppers and lock-in amplifiers.
  312. SDL, Inc. - semiconductor lasers, optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs), and system and fiber optic related products.
  313. Semiconductor Laser International Corporation (SLI) - high power semiconductor diode lasers.
  314. Siemens Semiconductor Group - high power laser diodes.
  315. Sill Optics - optical components
  316. Solaris S.A. - industrial laser systems.
  317. Spectral Italy - CO2 lasers
  318. Spectra-Physics Lasers - solid state-diode pumped lasers.
  319. Spectron Laser - Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers and accessories
  320. Spectrum Thin Films - a manufacturer of high quality optical coatings ranging from .193 to 20 microns.
  321. Spindler & Hoyer, Inc. - optics and optomechanics for the OEM and laboratory.
  322. Spindler & Hoyer UK Limited - modulators/Q switches; polarisers.
  323. Speck Pumpen - water pump
  324. Spectra-Physics - lasers and laser systems for a broad range of markets.
  325. Spiricon, Inc. - instruments for laser beam profile analysis, diagnostics & display
  326. Spot srl - Shack-Hartmann systems for measuring optical quality of telescopes and optical elements and beam-diagnostics of lasers.
  327. Star Tech Instruments - beam profilers, energy meters, for excimer laser and other deep ultraviolet and x-ray sources.
  328. Star Technologies - high power two dimensional laser diode arrays.
  329. STC Catalysts. Inc - ambient temperature catalysts for carbon dioxide lasers that recombine carbon monoxide and oxygen into carbon dioxide.
  330. Synrad - CO2 lasers
  331. Technological Artisans, Inc. - computers, electronics,telephony and laser systems
  332. ThermalTake - heat sink with fan for CPU
  333. TherMarker - laser marking machines, DPSS
  334. Thin Film Center Inc - Suppliers of optical thin film design and analysis software, training services and consulting for the thin film industry.
  335. Thomson Laser Diodes - laser diodes
  336. Thorlabs Inc. - optomechanics, optoelectronics, laser diode, electronics & modules, optics and fiber optics
  337. Trumpf Inc. - machine tools, lasers, power tools, and radio frequency technology.
  338. TS Team - CO2 lasers, Tang Fu Qian
  339. TuiLaser AG - manufacturer of excimer lasers, provides a compact, table-top, small footprint excimer laser.
  340. Unitek Miyachi Lasers - pulsed Nd:YAG laser welders and markers, standard and custom laser workstations, motion systems and components.
  341. Universal Laser Systems, Inc. - laser engraving, marking, and cutting systems
  342. Universal Laser Systems - CO2 lasers
  343. U.S. Laser Corp. - Nd:YAG lasers and laser systems.
  344. Veco Custom Optics - precision laser optics and optical components.
  345. Vector Technology Ltd - semiconductor diode  lasers;  IR arrays; lenses & prisms.
  346. VERE - holography, laser systems, biological detection, missile guidance
  347. Vicor - DC power supply
  348. Verre et Quartz - lamps
  349. Virtek Vision Corp. - laser projection and machine vision products.
  350. VLOC - laser optics, crystals and thin film coatings. Division of II-VI Inc.
  351. V&S Scientific - lenses, mirrors, windows, beam-splitters, cavity optics, scanner optics, beamcombiners
  352. Wavelength Electronics - laser diode drivers and thermoelectric control products.
  353. Warth International - thermally conductive sheet, electrically insulating
  354. World Star Technologies - laser modules and laser sensors
  355. Xenon Corp - lamps, falshlamps
  356. Z-Laser - laser systems for positioning and adjusting. In English and German