Laser Beam Attenuators

Laser Beam Attenuators

Keywords: motorized attenuator, Beam delivery, attenuator
Jun 03, 2021 View: 5464 Data Sheet

Watt Pilot is a laser beam intensity attenuator. Enhanced version contains a rotating quartz λ/2 phase waveplate and one or two thin film plate polarizers for parallel s-polarized and p-polarizer beam separation, meanwhile Standard version attenuator

STLQ Series Laser Beam Power Attenuators

Model STLQ-LA-1064nm / 1030nm STLQ L-LA-532nm / 515nm STLQ -LA-355nm / 343nm STLQ -LA-266nm / 257nm
Clear aperture Ø 18 mm
Max. laser beam dia, Ø 15 mm
Divergence 2 mrad
Optical design λ/2 ZO Waveplate + High contrast Brewster type thin film polarizer
Attenuation range 0.1..98% 0.1..98% 0.2..96% 0.5..95%
LIDT >10 J/cm2 >5 J/cm2 >3 J/cm2 >2 J/cm2
Close to open time <0.2s
Contrast 1:1000 1:1000 1:500 1:200
Input voltage DC 12V
Control Software
Mounting holes М4

STU Series Compact Series Manual CO2 Laser Beam Attenuator

Principle of operation:The principle of operation is based on the ‘Brewster angle’. When linearly polarised light is incident on an airoptical material interface (uncoated), usually some of the light is reflected and some transmitted. However, when linearly polarised in the orientation (known as ‘P’ polarisation), there is no reflected light; 100% is transmitted into the material, provided the angle of incidence is equal to the Brewster angle. This is not so when the polarisation is in the perpendicular direction (known as ‘S’ polarisation).

Our manual attenuator allows the user to externally vary the power delivered from the laser. Many lasers only vary their output by pulsing full power on and off, and this does not always provide fine levels of control needed in some materials. This device will give infinitely variable control of the transmitted beam from approximately 6% to 100%. An optional manual attenuator with ‘enhanced’ coated Brewster plates provides a transmittance to as low as 0.04% up to 98%. Both types of manual attenuator can come as a water-cooled version.

beam attenuator beam attenuator

Technical Specifications

  • Aperture: 19mm
  • Power rating: ≤500W
  • Cooling: Air (<100W) & Water-cooled, 6/4 Connector
  • Mechanics: Aluminium Alloy, Black Anodised.
  • Fitting: M29x1.0, female, both ends
  • Transmission: 6% - 100%, 0.04% - 98%
  • Clear aperture: 20mm in diameter
  • Optics: Laser grade ZnSe Brewster plates
  • Coating: AR/AR 10.6μm & 9.3/9.6μm
  • Dimension: D60x120mm

Manual Attenuator Options

Part No. Transmittance Cooling Type
STU-C-MA 6%-100% Air-cooled
STU-C-MA-WJ 6%-100% Water-cooled

STA Series Laser Beam Power Attenuators

1. Watt Pilot Motorized Attenuators

Watt Pilot is a laser beam intensity attenuator. Enhanced version contains a rotating quartz λ/2 phase waveplate and one or two thin film plate polarizers for parallel s-polarized and p-polarizer beam separation, meanwhile Standard version attenuator contains a single polarizing cube beam splitter for orthogonal s-polarized and p-polarized beams separation. The intensity ratio of two separated beams is continuously tuned by rotating the waveplate. Despite the stand-alone look, Watt Pilot motorized attenuator is a compact, rigid and precise device and it can be easily integrated into custom optical systems.


  • User-friendly software interface, RS232 connection
  • Divides laser beam into two s-pol and p-pol beams of adjustable intensity ratio
  • Low dispersion for ultrashort and high energy laser pulses
  • Clear aperture: >15 mm

(1) Standard Version

attenuator attenuator

Clear aperture 10 mm
Bandwidth Up to ±10 nm
Configuration λ/2 ZO Waveplate + High Energy Polarizing Cube
Attenuation range (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL Up to 0.5-95%
Typical applications Medium and high power CW and pulsed lasers, LDs
Damage threshold >20 J/cm² @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz
Dimensions (H x L x W) 63 x 78 x 91 mm
Time between min and max attenuation <3 sec
Steps between min and max attenuation 3900

Typical items

Wave-length, nm Bandwidth, nm Configuration Optimization Attenuation range (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL Product ID
355 ±10 λ/2 ZO waveplate + High Energy PBS cube Transmission/
0.5-95% STA-SWP-HP-0355
532 ±10 λ/2 ZO waveplate + High Energy PBS cube Transmission/
0.5-95% STA-SWP-HP-0532
1064 ±10 λ/2 ZO waveplate + High Energy PBS cube Transmission/
0.5-95% STA-SWP-HP-1064

(2) Enhanced Version


Clear aperture 15mm
Bandwidth Up to ±10nm (20>10)
Optimization Reflection or transmission type
Configuration λ/2 ZO Waveplate + 1x or 2x Thin Film Polarizers
Attenuation range (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL Up to 0.3-99%*
Typical applications High power CW and pulsed lasers, LDs
Damage threshold >5 J/cm² @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz
Dimensions (H x L x W) 63 x 108 x 91mm - reflection mode
63 x 106 x 91mm - transmission mode
Time between min and max attenuation <3 sec
Steps between min and max attenuation 3900
*Attenuation range for transmission type Tmax (when open): >95%; Tmin (when closed):<0.5% (P-pol output)
*Attenuation range for reflection type Tmax (when open): >95%; Tmin (when closed):<0.5% (P-pol output)
Tmax (when open): >99%; Tmin (when closed):<0.3% (S-pol output)

Typical items

Wave-length, nm Bandwidth, nm Configuration Optimization Attenuation range* (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL Product Number
266 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99% STA-EWP-R-0266
343 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99% STA-EWP-R-0343
355 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99% STA-EWP-R-0355
515 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99% STA-EWP-R-0515
532 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99% STA-EWP-R-0532
1030 ±10 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x Broadband TFP Broadband Reflection 0.3-99% STA-EWP-R-1030
1064 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99% STA-EWP-R-1064
266 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95% STA-EWP-T-0266
343 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95% STA-EWP-T-0343
355 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95% STA-EWP-T-0355
515 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95% STA-EWP-T-0515
532 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95% STA-EWP-T-0532
1030 ±10 λ/2 ZO waveplate + Broadband TFP Broadband Transmission 0.5-95% STA-EWP-T-1030
1064 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95% STA-EWP-T-1064

Example of performance provided by attenuator comprising a waveplate and a polarizer.

2. PowerXP – Motorized Attenuators

PowerXP motorized attenuators are reliable solution for industrial applications. Each attenuator includes motorized rotating quartz λ/2 phase waveplate, optically aligned to a single/ dual thin film polarizer or polarizing beamsplitting cube which separates the input beam into individual s-polarized and p-polarized parallel or perpendicular output beams. The intensity ratio of separated beams is continuously tuned by rotating the waveplate. S-polarized beam output can be used for high purity s-polarized beam requiring applications and P-polarized beam output for power control and attenuation applications. High energy applications compatible optics, fast rotation speed of PowerXP Maxi and Cube versions and small footprint of Compact version makes PowerXP motorized attenuators a go-to solution for power control, attenuation and beam-splitting in demanding laser processing applications.


  • User-friendly software interface, RS232 connection
  • Divides laser beam into two s-pol and p-pol beams of adjustable intensity ratio
  • Low dispersion for ultrashort and high energy laser pulses
  • Ideal for integration in other systems
  • Time between min and max attenuation less than 0.2 sec

Model Comparison

Optimization type Transmission Transmission (T model) Reflection (R model) Transmission and Reflection
Clear aperture, mm Ø8 Ø18 Ø18 Ø18
Recommended maximum input beam diameter at 1/e², mm Ø5 Ø12 Ø12 Ø12
Damage threshold @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz >20 J/cm² >10 J/cm² >10 J/cm² >10 J/cm²
Dimensions H x L x W, mm 32 x 56 x 60 56 x 99 x 90 56 x 99 x 90 56 x 82 x 90
Time between min and max attenuation < 0.2 sec < 0.2 sec < 0.2 sec < 0.2 sec
Steps between min and max attenuation 14400 24000 24000 24000
Resolution < 7 arcsec/step < 7 arcsec/step < 7 arcsec/step < 7 arcsec/step
Maximum power transmission Tmax >99% at p-pol output Tmax >95% at p-pol output Tmax >99% at s-pol output Tmax >97% at p-pol output
Tmax >99% at s-pol output
Maximum power blocking Tmin< 0.1% at p-pol output Tmin< 0.5% at p-pol output Tmin< 0.3% at s-pol output Tmin< 0.3% at p-pol output
Tmin< 3% at s-pol output
*Optional attenuation range Tmax >99.7%, Tmin< 4% at s-pol beam dump output Tmax >99.5%, Tmin< 5% at s-pol beam dump output Tmax >95%, Tmin< 0.5% at p-pol output


The following table shows measured attenuator power control repeatability values.

Stage Average power difference, % Max power difference @ 250mW*, %
20% 0.05 0.30-0.40
50% 0.1 0.5
80% 0.05 0.40

*Using 250 mW average power output fs pulsed laser.

NOTE: Each value was calculated from average of 3000 cycles of measured data. At given transmission level, only that particular level data was taken into average value. For example, 20% transmission level data was gathered from power meter when the attenuator was in 20% power level position, during the 0% - 100% and 100% - 0% power level cycles (0% - 20% - 100% - 20% - 0% and then repeat for 3000 cycles).

3. Compact Version


Clear aperture 8mm
Bandwidth Up to ±5 nm
Optimization Transmission type
Configuration λ/2 High Energy Waveplate + IBS coated High Contrast Thin Film Polarizer
Attenuation range (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL Up to 0.1-99%
Typical applications High power CW and pulsed lasers
Damage threshold >10J/cm² @ 1064nm, 10ns, 10Hz
Dimensions (H x L x W) 74 x 32 x 66 mm
Time between min and max attenuation <1sec
Steps between min and max attenuation 14400
Product Number Wave-length, nm Bandwidth, nm Configuration Optimization Attenuation range (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL
STA-PXP-08-0343 343 ±5 λ/2 High Energy waveplate + High Contrast TFP Transmission 0.3-97%
STA-PXP-08-0355 355 ±5 λ/2 High Energy waveplate + High Contrast TFP Transmission 0.3-97%
STA-PXP-08-0515 515 ±5 λ/2 High Energy waveplate + High Contrast TFP Transmission 0.1-99%
STA-PXP-08-0532 532 ±5 λ/2 High Energy waveplate + High Contrast TFP Transmission 0.1-99%
STA-PXP-08-1030 1030 ±5 λ/2 High Energy waveplate + High Contrast TFP Transmission 0.2-99%
STA-PXP-08-1064 1064 ±5 λ/2 High Energy waveplate + High Contrast TFP Transmission 0.2-99%

4. Maxi Version

Clear aperture 18mm
Bandwidth Up to ±10nm
Optimization Reflection or transmission type
Configuration λ/2 ZO Waveplate + 1x or 2x Thin Film Polarizers
Attenuation range (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL Up to 0.3-99%*
Typical applications High power CW and pulsed lasers
Damage threshold >5 J/cm² @ 1064nm, 10ns, 10Hz
Dimensions (H x L x W) 56 x 99 x 90 mm
Time between min and max attenuation < 0.2sec
Steps between min and max attenuation 24000
*Attenuation range for transmission type Tmax (when open): >95%; Tmin (when closed):<0.5% (P-pol output)
*Attenuation range for reflection type Tmax (when open): >95%; Tmin (when closed):<0.5% (P-pol output)
Tmax (when open): >99%; Tmin (when closed):<0.3% (S-pol output)

4.1 Maxi Transmission Version

Product Number Wave-length nm Bandwidth, nm Configuration Optimization Attenuation range* (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL
STA-PXP-15-T-0266 266 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-PXP-15-T-0343 343 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-PXP-15-T-0355 355 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-PXP-15-T-0515 515 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-PXP-15-T-0532 532 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-PXP-15-T-1030 1030 ±10 λ/2 ZO waveplate + Broadband TFP Broadband Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-PXP-15-T-1064 1064 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%

Their dimensions are same as 56x99x90mm .

4.2 Maxi Reflection Version

Product Number Wave-length nm Bandwidth, nm Configuration Optimization Attenuation range* (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL
STA-PXP-15-R-0266 266 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-PXP-15-R-0343 343 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-PXP-15-R-0355 355 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-PXP-15-R-0515 515 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-PXP-15-R-0532 532 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-PXP-15-R-1030 1030 ±10 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x Broadband TFP Broadband Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-PXP-15-R-1064 1064 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%

Their dimensions are same as 56x99x90 mm.

4.3 Max Cube Version


Product Number Wavelength
Configuration Attenuation range at p-pol output (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL Attenuation range at s-pol output (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL
STA-PXP-18-C-0355 355 ±5 λ/2 Optically bonded waveplate + Optically bonded PBS cube 0.3-96% 4-99%
STA-PXP-18-C-0515 515 ±5 λ/2 Air-spaced waveplate + Optically bonded PBS cube 0.3-97% 3-99%
STA-PXP-18-C-0532 532 ±5 λ/2 Air-spaced waveplate + Optically bonded PBS cube 0.3-97% 3-99%
STA-PXP-18-C-1030 1030 ±5 λ/2 Air-spaced waveplate + Optically bonded PBS cube 0.3-97% 3-99%
STA-PXP-18-C-1064 1064 ±5 λ/2 Air-spaced waveplate + Optically bonded PBS cube 0.3-97% 3-99%

Their dimensions are same as 56x82x90mm .

5. Manual Attenuators

5.1 Laser Beam Attenuator, Enhanced Version

The Enhanced version of the attenuator incorporates a rotating quartz λ/2 phase waveplate and one or two Thin Film Polarizers that separate s-polarized and p-polarized beams in parallel directions. The polarizers are housed in a specially designed opto-mechanical holder mounted together with a precision kinematic adjustable waveplate holder. Pure p-polarization should be selected for maximum transmission and pure s-polarization for maximum attenuation. The intensity ratio of separated beams is continuously tuned by rotating the waveplate in the holder.

Custom wavelengths are available upon request. Contact us and we will find a solution for your beam attenuation, power control and beam splitting needs. We can also recommend compatible optical components for your beam delivery applications.



  • Easy operated manual design
  • Ideal for femtosecond and high power laser applications
  • Two parallel p-pol and s-pol output beams
  • Interchangeable optics

*Attenuation range for transmission type: Tmax (when open): >95%; Tmin (when closed):<0.5%

*Attenuation range for reflection type: Tmax (when open): >95%; Tmin (when closed):


  • Clear aperture: 15 mm
  • Bandwidth: Up to ±20 nm
  • Optimization: Reflection or transmission type
  • Configuration: λ/2 ZO waveplate + 1x or 2x Thin Film polarizers
  • Attenuation range (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL: Up to 0.3-99 %*
  • Typical applications: High power CW and pulsed lasers, LDs
  • Damage threshold: >5 J/cm² @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 89 x 72 x 78 mm – reflection type, 87 x 68 x 78 mm – transmission type
Product ID Wavelength nm Bandwidth nm Configuration Optimization Attenuation range* (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL
STA-ELA-R-0266 266 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-ELA-T-0266 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-ELA-R-0343 343 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-ELA-T-0343 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-ELA-R-0355 355 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-ELA-T-0355 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-ELA-R-0515 515 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-ELA-T-0515 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-ELA-R-0532 532 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-ELA-T-0532 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-ELA-R-1064 1064 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-ELA-T-1064 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-ELA-R-1030 1030 ±10 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x Broadband TFP Broadband reflection 0.5-98%
STA-ELA-T-1030 λ/2 ZO waveplate + Broadband TFP Broadband transmission 0.5-95%

5.2 Laser Beam Attenuator, Ultrafast Version

The Ultrafast version of the attenuator is intended for laser pulses of < 100 fs. It incorporates a rotating Achromatic λ/2 phase waveplate and two high-performance Broadband 72° Thin Film Polarizers that separate s-polarized and p-polarized beams in parallel directions. The polarizers are housed in a specially designed opto-mechanical holder mounted together with a precision kinematic adjustable waveplate holder. The intensity ratio of separated beams is continuously tuned by rotating the waveplate in the holder.

There are 2 standardized types of ultrafast attenuators – one for maximum transmitted energy and one for maximum beam attenuation.

Custom wavelengths are available upon request. Contact us and we will find a solution for your beam attenuation, power control, beam splitting needs. We can also recommend compatible optical components for your beam delivery applications.

manual attenuator


  • Easy operated manual design
  • Low dispersion optical design for ultrashort pulse high power laser applications
  • Two parallel p-pol and s-pol output beams
  • Interchangeable optics


  • Clear aperture: 15 mm
  • Bandwidth: Up to ±50 nm
  • Configuration: λ/2 Achromatic waveplate + 2x Broadband (Ultrafast) Thin Film polarizers
  • Attenuation range (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL: 4-96%, 0.1-70%
  • Typical applications: Ultrafast broadband laser sources with pulse length<100 fs
  • Damage threshold: >100 mJ/cm² @ 800 nm, 100 fs, 1 kHz
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 167 x 72 x 78 mm
Product ID Wavelength, nm Bandwidth, nm Configuration Optimization Attenuation range* (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL
STA-ULA-R1-0800 800 ±50 λ/2 Achromatic waveplate +
Broadband (Ultrafast) TFP
Reflection 4-96%
STA-ULA-R2-0800 Reflection contrast 0.1-70%

5.3 Large Aperture Attenuator

The main feature of Large Aperture Attenuators is larger than 30 mm diameter clear aperture. These incorporate a rotating λ/2 phase waveplate and one or two Thin Film Polarizers that separate s-polarized and p-polarized beams in parallel directions. The polarizers are housed in a specially designed opto-mechanical holder which is mounted together with a precision waveplate holder. Pure p-polarization should be selected for maximum transmission and pure s-polarization for maximum attenuation. The intensity ratio of the separated beams is continuously tuned by rotating the waveplate in the holder.

Custom wavelengths are available upon request. Contact us and we will find a solution for your beam attenuation, power control and beamsplitting needs. We can also recommend compatible optical components for your beam delivery applications.

manual attenuator


  • Large input aperture
  • Easy operated manual design
  • Ideal for femtosecond and high power laser applications
  • Two parallel p-pol and s-pol output beams
  • Interchangeable optics


  • Clear aperture: 30 mm
  • Bandwidth: Up to ±50 nm
  • Optimization: Reflection or transmission type
  • Attenuation range (Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL: 0.3-99% or 0.1-70% or 4-96%
  • Typical applications: High power and ultrafast lasers
  • Damage threshold: >5 J/cm² @ 1064 nm, 10 ns, 10 Hz, >100 mJ/cm² @ 800 nm, 100 fs, 1 kHz
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 299 x 135 x 70 mm – ultrafast reflection type, 147 x 136 x 60 mm – transmission type
  • Configuration: λ/2 ZO waveplate + 1x or 2x Thin Film polarizers, λ/2 Achromatic waveplate + 2x Broadband (Ultrafast) Thin Film polarizers
Product ID Wavelength, nm Bandwidth, nm Configuration Optimization Attenuation range*
(Tmin-Tmax) @ CWL
STA-LAT-R-0515 515 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-LAT-T-0515 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-LAT-R-0532 532 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-LAT-T-0532 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-LATU-R2-0800 800 ±50 λ/2 Achromatic waveplate +
2x Broadband (Ultrafast) TFP
Reflection contrast 0.1-70%
STA-LATU-R1-0800 λ/2 Achromatic waveplate +
2x Broadband (Ultrafast) TFP
Reflection 4-96%
STA-LAT-R-1030 1030 ±10 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x Broadband TFP R Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-LAT-T-1030 λ/2 ZO waveplate + Broadband TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
STA-LAT-R-1064 1064 ±5 λ/2 ZO waveplate + 2x TFP Reflection 0.3-99%
STA-LAT-T-1064 λ/2 ZO waveplate + TFP Transmission 0.5-95%
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