Vortex Lens & Diffractive Achromatic Lens

Vortex Lens & Diffractive Achromatic Lens

Keywords: Vortex Lens
Apr 19, 2020 View: 2759 Data Sheet

Vortex lenses convert a Gaussian input laser beam into a donut-shaped energy ring. A Vortex lens is a unique optic, whose structure is composed of spiral or helical phase steps. A Spiral phase plate converts a Gaussian input profile into a donut-shape

Vortex Lenses

Vortex lenses convert a Gaussian input laser beam into a donut-shaped energy ring. A Vortex lens is a unique optic, whose structure is composed of spiral or helical phase steps. A Spiral phase plate converts a Gaussian input profile into a donut-shaped energy ring. The spiral phase plate is a unique optic, whose structure is composed entirely of spiral or helical phase steps, whose purpose is to control the phase of the transmitted beam.

The topological charge, denoted in the literature as m, refers to the number of 2π cycles (i.e. "staircases") etched around 360° turn of diffractive surface. One main effect of a higher topological charge is an increase in the angular momentum of the vortex beam by a factor of m. Another effect is the dimensions magnification of the ring intensity pattern, by a factor of m.

PN λ[nm] Element Size [mm] Typical Efficiency [%] Topological charge Outer ring size [um] Remarks
VL-209-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 95 1 54.73
VL-215-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 95 3 111.36
VL-216-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 95 2 81.55
VL-217-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 90 1 54.73 Square donut
VL-218-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 92 4 142.79
VL-227-I-Y-A 1064 11 92 3 111.36
VL-204-I-Y-A 1064 11 92 1 54.73
VL-214-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 95 1 54.73
VL-208-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 92 1 54.73
VL-219-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 95 3 111.36
VL-220-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 95 2 81.55
VL-221-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 37*** 1 54.73 1mRad separation
VL-222-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 37*** 1 54.73 7.5mRad separation
VL-224-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 37*** 1 54.73 5mm sep @f=100mm
VL-225-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 92 6 209.44
VL-226-I-Y-A 1064 11 95 3 111.36
VL-206-I-Y-A 1064 11 95 1 54.73
VL-228-I-Y-A 1064 11 92 6 209.44
VL-229-I-Y-A 1064 11 92 2 81.55
VL-230-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 95 6 209.44
VL-231-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 95 4 142.79
VL-232-I-Y-A 1064 11 95 6 209.44
VL-233-I-Y-A 1064 11 95 12 411.57
VL-234-I-Y-A 1064 11 95 2 81.55
VL-235-I-Y-A 1064 11 95 4 142.79
VL-236-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 95 12 411.57
VL-237-I-Y-A 1064 11 92 5 175.3
VL-238-I-Y-A 1064 11 95 5 175.3
VL-239-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 92 12 411.57
VL-240-I-Y-A 1064 11 92 12 411.57
VL-241-I-Y-A 1064 25.4 92 8 276.09
VL-242-I-Y-A 1064 11 92 8 276.09
VL-243-I-Y-A 1064 11 92 4 142.79

Diffractive Achromatic Lens

We offer diffractive Achromat lenses that have the same focal length for 3 harmonies of Nd:YAG lasers (355nmm 532nm and 1064nm).

These Triple Wavelength (TW) lenses are ideally suitable for high power applications, where standard Achromats made by using lenses with different refractive indices often suffer from limited laser damage threshold. Due to the high accuracy of the manufacturing methods of diffractive optical elements, our lenses are aberration-free at all 3 design wavelengths, enabling tighter focusing and higher power density at focus compared to standard Achromat lenses.

All TW elements are planar, light and thin windows that are easy to integrate into limited spaces in high power systems. These diffractive lenses are also called Multi-Order Diffractive Lenses (“MOD lenses”).

We currently offer the Triple Wavelength TW-001-UQI-Y-A, with a focal length of 150mm and diffraction limited spot size performance for 355, 532 and 1064nm wavelengths. Other element sizes and EFL values are available on demand.

PN Focal Length [mm] Thickness [mm] Diameter [mm] Clear Aperture [mm] Material Wavelengths [nm]
TW-001-UQI-Y-A 150 3 15 12 Fused Silica 355,532 and 1064
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