Q-switch Driver (RF Driver)

Q-switch Driver (RF Driver)

Keywords: Q-switch Driver, RF Driver, AOM driver, 27MHz, 41MHz, 68MHz,
Mar 15, 2021 View: 4981 Data Sheet

A high power RF driver module is available in output powers of 50W 75W or 100W. Powered from 220VAC or 110VAC the modulation inputs allow either full digital control or activation of an internal pulse generator.

Q-switch drivers are used to drive Q-switches and their frequencies are mainly 24, 27, 41, 68, 80MHz etc.

1. High Power Q-switch Drivers (20W and above)

1.1 QSD Series RF Drivers (20W, 50W, 75W & 100W)

A high power RF driver module is available in output powers of 50W, 75W or 100W. Powered from 220VAC or 110VAC, the modulation inputs allow either full digital control or activation of an internal pulse generator. First pulse suppression is automatically implemented.

Main Specifications:

  • RF power output : 50W, 75W or 100W

  • Frequency: 27.125MHz

  • VSWR: ≤1.2

  • Modulation repetition rate: 800Hz-50kHz

  • First pulse suppression

  • Modulation control inputs: digital TTL , till 100kHz

  • Driver over-heat, Q-Switch over-heat

  • Internal over-temperature protection and over-current protection

  • Digital display of frequency

  • Supply voltage input: 220VAC/110VAC, <150W

  • Dimension: 483x88x308mm

  • Weight: 8kg

Model Numbers: QSDxxyyZ

  • QSD - QSD series RF driver

  • XX - RF frequency, 27-27MHz, 24-24MHz

  • YY - RF output power (W), 50-50W, 75-75W

  • Z - others, Z or T

Example QSD-2720T (20W), QSD-2750T (50W), QSD-2775T (75W) or QSD-27100Z (100W)

Main Features of QSDxxyyT Series Digital Q-switch Drivers:

Newly designed digital RF driver has the following features comparing with analog version:

  • Touch panel,

  • Digital circuit to improve control accuracy with frequency resolution of 0.01Hz (0.001Hz or less upon request)

  • Internal trigger synchronizing with laser, to achieve perfect marking

  • Integrated open load protection

  • Easier and more accurate panel controlled laser delay.

Other power levels are available upon request.

1.2 AO Q-switch Driver MQH0XX-YYDM-ZZZ (24-80MHz, 25-100W)

Former Model Number: R390XX-YYDMZZZ-A

The MQH0XX-YYDM-ZZZ module is a high power RF driver, designed to drive a Q-switch. The driver has two digital modulation inputs: Fixed and Variable. These controls allow the customer to issue a pulse command of a "Fixed" pulse width, the duration determined by the Driver's pulse width control, settable by the customer, or issue a "Variable" pulse command, the duration determined by the input signal’s pulse width. The output power is controlled by the analog input, where the mode of operation is defined by ZZZ = A05 normal analog mode, or R05 analog switched to full RF mode or a triggered RF Ramp Down mode where ZZZ = FPS first pulse suppression mode or PPK pre-pulse kill mode. The choices of Frequency (XX), Output Power (YY), and Power Control (ZZZ) option are "Factory Set" when ordered. The RF Driver requires forced air cooling.

The product delivered will be manufactured to be compliant with EU Directive 2002/95/EC for Reduction of Hazardous Substance. The product will be manufactured to other standards upon customer request.

Key Features:

  • 24, 27.12, 40.68, 68, or 80 MHz RF frequency (XX)

  • 0.01% Quartz Stabilized

  • Up to 100* watts RF power output (YY)

  • Two TTL Digital Modulation Inputs: fixed and variable pulse width.

  • Analogue Modulation or Triggered RF Ramp Down Mode (ZZZ)

  • Up to 100 kHz Pulse Rate.

  • Fault Protection on Low Power, High Power, and High VSWR

  • Operates on 28 VDC


  • RF Driver for an Acousto-Optic Q-Switch Device used to spoil the “Q” of a CW laser so as to output an intense pulse of light.

  • Used in industrial, medical, or military applications.


RF Frequency:24.00, 27.12, 40.68, 68.00, 80.00 MHz ± 0.01%
Spurious Levels:-50 dBc maximum
Harmonic Distortion-30 dBc maximum
Digital Inputs:
Fixed Mod InTTL Levels, Triggered on Rising Edge.
       Pulse Width Applied >50 ns.
Variable Mod InTTL Levels, TTL High = RF off
Extinction Ratio:35 dB minimum
RF Rise Time 10% to 90%500 ns maximum
RF Fall Time: 90% to 10%100 ns maximum
Modulation Repetition Rates:1 Hz to 100 kHz for Fixed Modulation; DC to 100 kHz for Variable Modulation
Fixed Modulation Output Pulse Width Adjustment Range:1 to 14 ms, Customer Adjustable
Available Pulse Control Options:ZZZ = Mode
Pulse Control Mode is "Factory Set When Ordered":FPS = First Pulse Suppression        PPK = Pre Pulse Kill        A05 = Analog Control        R05 = RF Switched to Analog Control         ___ = Digital Modulation Only
FPS Trigger / Analog inputUnits configured with FPS, PPK: TTL Levels,        Triggered on TTL Rising Edge.        Units configured with A05, R05: 0 to 5 volts analog.
*RF Output Power "Factory Set When Ordered":YY = 50 or 100 watts nominal for 24, 27, 41, and 68 MHz units Adjustable from 25 to 100 watts.        50 watts nominal for 80 MHz units, Adjustable from 20 to 50W
Output Impedance:50 ohms nominal
Shutter Output:0.3 sec delay. Opens on fault. Capable of sinking 1 amp at 28 volts Maximum.
Supply Voltage Input+28 VDC ± 1%
Supply Current Input6.5 A for 50 W units 9.0 A for 100 W units
Operating Temperature+10°C to +55°C
Air Flow through Heat Sink> 36 CFM (> 17 litres / second) @ 25°C

Maximum Ratings:

Supply Voltage:30 volts DC maximum
Power Output:No DC Feedback Allowed
Storage Temperature:-20°C to +85°C
CONNECTORS & MECHANICAL:Located on front panel
RF Output Connector:BNC Female
Power Supply Connections:Vcc,Solder Post

ReturnGround Lug

Ordering Codes: Example: MQH027-100DM-A05, A 27 MHz RF Driver with two TTL digital Modulation inputs (fixed and variable pulse width) and an analog input (A05) which enables control of the RF output power. Designed to Drive an AO Q-switch requiring 100 watts RF Power or less. Delivered as a RoHS compliant, forced air cooled OEM Module.

2. Low Power Q-switch Drivers (<25W)

2.1 QC Series Q-switch Drivers (Low Power, High Speed, Compact Q-switch Drivers, 2-24W)

QCxxx-yyDC-zzz-aaV (former part number R390xx-yyDMzzz-SC)

  • Output RF frequency options: xxx = 24, 27, 41, 68, 80, 110MHz

  • RF power: yy = 2 - - - 24W

  • Control Option: ZZZ  (For more infomation on ow to select a pulse control. )

  • Output RF frequency options: XX = 24, 27, 41, 68, 80, 110, RF frequency = 24.00 MHz, 27.12 MHz, 40.68 MHz, 68MHz, 80MHz or 110MHz

  • RF power: yy = 2 - - - 24, 2 to 24 watts, Factory set to match the matching Q-Switch

The driver is factory set when ordered with a control option, which determine the type of control of the output power. The options available that control the RF output level for the drivers include:

Control Option: zzz

  • FPS = First Pulse Suppression

  • PPK = Pre Pulse Kill

  • R05 = RF off Analog Control

  • A05 = Analog Control

  • aaV: supplu voltage, 12V, 15V or 24V

The option available for the driver is factory set, and is specified by the last three letters of the model number. When the FPS or PPK control option is selected, the circuit is designed to eliminate the large light pulse that is output from the laser after a long period of inactivity. Normally, the first pulse from a Q-Switched laser that has been held off for over 100 ms will be much larger than the subsequent pulse. This excess energy can cause unwanted damage to the target of the laser. The circuit does this by scaling the energy sent to the Q-Switch. The result is that this first pulse has the lower energy compared to the subsequent pulses. When the A05 or R05 control option is selected, the circuit is designed to control the output with an analog input signal allowing intensity control of any pulse. This control is used to vary the output energy of the laser pulse.

A compact high power RF driver module is available in output powers of 50 or 100W. Powered from 28VDC, the modulation inputs allow either full digital control or activation of an internal pulse generator. First pulse suppression is implemented through either analogue modulation, RF off analogue control, triggered first pulse suppression, or triggered pre-pulse kill, as described in our FPS guidance notes. On board LED’s and TTL logic outputs monitor driver status and cooling is through forced air over the heat sink.

Output Frequency:xx = 24, 27, 41, 68, 80, 110. Where RF Frequency = 24.00, 27.12, 40.68, 68, 80, 110 MHz ± 0.01%
Spurious Levels:-50 dBc Maximum
Harmonic Distortion-20 dB Maximum
Modulation Input
Mod In Fixed (pin 3 )TTL Levels Triggered on TTL Rising Edge. Pulse Width Applied >50 ns.
Mod In Variable (pin 5)TTL Levels TTL HIGH = RF Off
Extinction Ratio:40 dB Minimum
RF Rise Time 10% to 90%100 ns Maximum
RF Fall Time: 90% to 10%50 ns Maximum
Modulation Repetition Rates:1 Hz to 500 kHz for Fixed Modulation DC to 500 kHz for Variable Modulation
Fixed Modulation Output Pulse Width Adjustment Range:1 to 20 μs, Customer Adjustable
Available Pulse Suppression Modes:zzz = Mode
Modulation Operating Mode is "Factory Set" Internally.FPS = First Pulse Suppression PPK = Pre Pulse Kill R05 = RF Switched to Analog Control A05 = Analog Control
FPS Trigger (pin 2) for Pulse Suppression for Units Configured with FPS, PPK:TTL Levels, Triggered on TTL Rising Edge
Analog in (pin 6) for Power Control for Units Configured with A05, R050 to 5 volts Analog
Enable - Stand by Mode (pin 11)< 3 watt dissipation in stand by mode. TTL High or no connection = Normal operation TTL Low = Stand by Mode Momentary TTL Low = Driver Reset - after fault is removed.
Zero Crossing Enable (pin 7) normally:TTL high or no connection- disabled, TTL low- enabled
If model # is (-ZC):TTL high or no connection- enabled, TTL low- disabled
Sync out (pin 1 )Outputs 3.3 volt signal
RF Power Output:YY watts where YY = 2 to 24 watts
Output Impedance:50 Ω
Supply Voltage:+15 VDC (or 24V)
Supply Current:< 3 amps.
OPERATING TEMPERATURE:+10 to +55 0C Case Temperature
Contact CooledThe Driver must be attached to a heatsink capable of dissipating 25 watts
Supply Voltage:+18 volts
Power Output:No DC Feedback Allowed
Storage Temperature:-20 to + 850C

2.2. SQDR Series Q-switch Drivers (low power, compact Q-switch Driver, 2-24W)

SQDRxxx-yyDC-zzz-aaa series RF drivers are similar to QC0xx-yyDC-zzz drivers but cheaper.

xxx is operation frequency (xxx=041 means 40.68MHz and xxx=080 means 80MHz), yy is maximum output RF power (yy=20 means 20W), D means digital modulation, C means compact size, zzz means operation mode (FPS, PPK, A05 or A05, FPS is default. For more information), aaa is input voltage (aaa=15V means input voltage is 15VDC).

The outline dimension is 95x70x25mm.

Q driverQ driver

2.3 SQDM Series Q-switch Drivers (low power, compact Q-switch Driver, 2-24W)

SQDMxxx-yyW-aaV-zzz series RF drivers are similar to QCxxx-yyDC-zzz drivers but cheaper. Their outlines are similar too.

xxx is operation frequency in MHz (xxx=041 means 40.68MHz and xxx=080 means 80MHz), yy is maximum output RF power (yy=20 means 20W), aa means input voltage (aa=15 means 15VDC input, zzz means operation mode (FPS, PPK, RPS or APS, PPK is default. For more information). For example, SQDM041-20W-15V-PPK means operation frequency 40.68MHz, output RF power 20W, input voltage 15V and operation mode PPK.. The outline dimensions are 95x70x25mm.

2.4 STL Series Q-switch Driver (80MHz, 15W)

Q-switch driver, RF driver

Part numberSTL-LD832STL-LD882
Output Frequency80MHz,±0.01% (100ppm)80MHz,±0.01% (100ppm)
Output Power>15.0W @50Ω>15.0W @50Ω
Modulation InputTTL, 1Hz to 1.2MHzTTL, 1Hz to 1.2MHz
Sync Out Level3.3V ±5%3.3V ±5%
Supply Voltage+12V ±5%+24V ±5%
Supply Current<2.20A<2.20A
Spurious Levels-50dBc Maximum-50dBc Maximum
Harmonic Distortion-20dB Maximum-20dB Maximum
Extinction Ratio40dB Maximum40dB Maximum
RF Rise Time 10% to 90%<25ns<25ns
RF Fall Time 90% to 10%<25ns<25ns
Operation Temperature+10oC to +50 oC+10oC to +50 oC
Storage Temperature-20 oC to +85 oC-20 oC to +85 oC

2.5 STZ Series Q-switch Driver, 20W, 41MHz & 80MHz

Q-switch driver, RF driver RF driver

There are 5 potential meters to change the settings as follows:

  • Prf: setting the RF output power

  • Pulse Width: setting the pulse width of TTL_Fixed selection with the range  0.8us~25us±10%

  • FPS Window: FPS window time and its range is 20us~350us±10%

  • FPS Slope: setting the FPS slope

  • FPS Start:setting FPS starting point

There are 13 RF output modes as follows:

Q-switch driver

Q-switch driver

Q-switch driver

Q-switch driver, RF driver

Technical Specifications:

  • Input electricity: 15~24VDC, ripple £100mV

  • FPS, TTL_Fixed, TTL_Varibale input resistance 10kΩ±10%

  • ANALOGinput resistance 10kΩ±10%

  • FPS, TTL_Fixed, TTL_Varibale low level -0.5~0.8V, high level 2.5~5V

  • ANALOG input voltage 0~5V

  • FPS’s input width 1~350uS

  • TTL_Fixed input range 50ns, period -500ns

  • TTL_Variable effective input range 500ns, period -500ns

  • TTL_Fixed output range 0.8us~25us±10%, determined by Pulse Width potential meter

  • Shortest RF operation time 500ns

  • Shortest lasing time 500ns

  • RF fall time <20ns

  • FPS window range 20~350us±10%

  • Max. RF output Pmax=20W±10%, max. input electrical power 45W±10%

  • Adjustable output RF power range 0~Pmax, determined by Prf potential meter

  • Outline dimension: 100x70x25mm

Part numbers: STZxxx-yyD-zzz

  • XXX: RF operation frequency, xx=041(40.68MHz) or =80(80MHz)

  • YY: output RF power (yy=2-20, W)。

  • ZZZ: first pulse suppression mode (zzz=FPS, TTLF or TTLV)

  • D: D means digital input modulation, A means analog input modulation

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