Femto-second Lasers

Femto-second Lasers

Keywords: Femto-second Laser, Ultrashort Pulse, fiber laser
Mar 08, 2021 View: 8654 Data Sheet

The Femtosecond Mode Lock Fiber Laser is a compact, high-reliability laser featuring an all-fiber design (no bulk optics) with a center wavelength of 1030 nm at an average output power of 10mW, repetition rate of 25 MHz with pulse duration of 600 fs.

GHz Low-noise 1555nm Femtosecond Fiber Lasers

Our femtosecond laser sources are based on robust and well-engineered designs, offering an excellent reliability with the low-noise performance from soliton mode-locking. Robust 24/7 operation, user-friendly and self-starting, our lasers have been made to facilitate OEM integration and enable customers’ applications.

fs 1550nm lasers

Key Features:

  • Ultra low-noise

  • Transform-limited pulses

  • Hermetically sealed laser

  • Compact industrial design

  • User-friendly

  • 24/7 operation

  • All-in-one system

Main Applications:

  • Optical communication

  • Precision microwave

  • THz generation

  • Amplifier seeder

  • Timing distribution

  • Frequency comb

  • A/O converter

Key Specifications:

  • Wavelength: 1550nm

  • Repetition rate: up to 2.5GHz

  • Clean soliton pulses: <200fs

  • Options:

  • Repetition rate stabilization

  • Customised repetition rate

  • OEM version

ConstructionOscillator, no amplifierWith amplifier
Average power>50mWUp to 2W
Peak power>0.1kWUp to 4kW
Pulse energy>0.05nJUp to 1nJ
Repetition rateStandard – 250, 500MHz, 1, 1.25, 2 or 2.5GHz.

Custom design – 200MHz to 2.5GHz

Standard – 250, 500MHz, 1, 1.25, 2 or 2.5GHz.

Custom design – 200MHz to 2.5GHz

Center wavelength1555nm +/- 10nm1555nm +/- 10nm
Spectral bandwidth>10nm at 3dB>10nm at 3dB
Pulse width<250fs, transform-limited<250fs, transform-limited
Optical output portFiber output (PM FC/APC), free-spaceFiber output (PM FC/APC), free-space
Beam qualityTEM00, M2<1.05TEM00, M2<1.05
PolarisationLinear (PER>23dB, >200:1)Linear (PER>23dB, >200:1)
Amplitude noise<0.1% RMS (24h)<0.1% RMS (24h)
Timing jitter<30fs (1kHz – 10MHz)<30fs (1kHz – 10MHz)
Power supply5VDC/2A24VDC/2A
Power consumption<10W<50W
CoolingPassively air-cooledPassively air-cooled
Warm-up time<10s (cold start)<10s (cold start)
Laser head size/weight240x160x89mm/5kg240x160x89mm/5kg
Control unitNo control unit requiredNo control unit required
Operation temperature+5oC to +45oC+5oC to +45oC
Storage temperature-10oC to +60oC-10oC to +60oC
Relative humidity<80% (non-condensing)<80% (non-condensing)
Analog interfaceEg. Power mod, alarm, interlock, trigger, statusEg. Power mod, alarm, interlock, trigger, status
Digital interfaceUSA, RS232, ETHERNET, CANUSA, RS232, ETHERNET, CAN


And find more about the full characterization of two versions of our lasers: STMH-1550 at 1 GHz laser and STMH-1550 at 250 MHz.

1. STMH-1550 SERIES at 1 GHz

1550nm femto-second fiber laser

It is the first industrial-grade laser of its kind that operates at telecom wavelengths and achieves the lowest phase noise and timing jitter on the market. In this document, we report the full characterization of the product operating at a repetition rate of 1 GHz.

Key product specifications

  • Frep: 1 GHz

  • Power: > 50 mW

  • λ0 : 1545 – 1565 nm

  • Clean soliton pulse

  • Bandwidth: > 10 nm

  • Pulse width: < 250 fs (Transform limited)

  • Sech2-shaped spectrum

  • Beam characteristics: TEM00, M2 < 1.05

1550nm femto-second fiber laser

Noise characterization (Free-running)

The free-running phase and amplitude noise of a STMH-1550 at 1 GHz is reported here. The phase noise was measured on the 10th harmonic, i.e., at 10 GHz.

1550nm femto-second fiber lasers

Offset frequency (fc)Phase noise (dBc/Hz) 1 GHz carrier 10 GHz carrierTiming-jitter (fs) [fc – 10 MHz]Amplitude noise (RMS) [fc – 10 MHz]
10 kHz< -150< -130< 1< 0.01%
1 kHz< -115< -95< 10< 0.01%
100 Hz< -90< -70< 100< 0.01%
1 Hz< -30< -10< 5000< 0.02%

Possibilities and options:

1550nm fs fiber lasers

2. STMH-1550 SERIES — 250 MHz

1550nm fs fiber lasers

The STMH-1550 SERIES is the first industrial-grade laser of its kind that operates at telecom wavelengths and achieves the lowest phase noise and timing jitter on the market. In this document, we report the full characterization of the product operating at a repetition rate of 250 MHz.

Key product specifications

  • Frep: 250 MHz

  • Power: > 100 mW

  • λ0 : 1545 – 1565 nm

  • Clean soliton pulse

  • Bandwidth: > 10 nm

  • Pulse width: < 250 fs (Transform limited)

  • Sech2-shaped spectrum

  • Beam characteristics: TEM00, M2 < 1.05

1550nm femto-second fiber laser

Noise characterization (Free-running)

The free-running phase and amplitude noise of a MENHIR-1550 at 250 MHz is reported here. The phase noise was measured on the 40th harmonic, i.e., at 10 GHz.

1550nm femto-second fiber laser

Offset frequency (fc)Phase noise (dBc/Hz) 1 GHz carrier 10 GHz carrierTiming-jitter (fs) [fc – 10 MHz]Amplitude noise (RMS) [fc – 10 MHz]
10 kHz< -155< -135< 1< 0.01%
1 kHz< -140< -110< 2< 0.01%
100 Hz< -110< -80< 10< 0.01%
1 Hz< -50< -20< 1500< 0.02%

Possibilities and options:

1550nm fs fiber lasers

FSC Series Femto-second Lasers

1. FSC1040 Series Ultrashort Pulse Lasers at 1040nm

The FSC1040 is an air-cooled, compact ultrafast laser.

femto-second lasers


  • SHG and multi-photon microscopy

  • Light sheet microscopy

  • Optogenetics imaging experiments

  • Pump source for non-linear optics (OPOs, SHG)

  • THz generation

  • Supercontinuum generation

  • Time resolved experiments (e.g. TCSPC/FLIM)

Technical Overview

  • Up to 4W average power is available (500kW peak power)

  • Pulse duration: < 150fs (Chirped output pulse option also available)

  • 100 MHz repetition frequency (80 MHz also available)

Features & Benefits

  • Compact laser housing (air-cooled operation)

  • Intuitive web browser interface

  • Power efficient laser cavity (low power consumption)

Part numberFSC-1030-750FSC-1040-2500FSC-1040-3500
Output powerUp to 750 mW>2.5W>3.5W
Pulse energy7.5nJ25nJ> 35nJ
Pulse duration< 150fs
Repetition frequency100MHz
Beam parametersFree space, M2 < 1.3, Linearly polarized Divergence < 2mrad
Beam diameter0.5 - 1.2 mm
Control InterfaceWeb browser interface. Ethernet & serial port (RS232) also available.
ElectricalVoltage 110 – 240V AC, Frequency 50 – 60Hz, Power 80W
Dimensions426x250x108mm (laser head) 483x285x88mm (control unit – 19” 2U rack mount)

femto-second lasers

femto-second lasers

Good News: FSC Series Ultrafast Lasers for Hire:

Hire one of our ultrafast lasers to experience their power and robustness first-hand. You can now use our femtosecond fiber lasers, or tunable optical parametric oscillators, to accelerate your research without incurring the total cost of ownership.

OurFSC-1040laser and FSC series OPOs can be drop-shipped and installed remotely, without the presence of an onsite engineer. Our ultrafast lasers are easy-to-use and operational ready straight out of the box – so you spend less time running the equipment, and more time pioneering results.

Hire an ultrafast laser system and test drive our capabilities. Please send your email to us to receive details about hire costs and the availability of our demonstrator systems.

2. FSC520 Series 520nm Ultrafast Lasers


  • Pump source for OPO

  • Non-linear optics

  • Telecoms / quantum imaging

  • Raman spectroscopy

  • Photo-dynamic therapy

  • Nanophotonics

Technical Overview

  • Pulse duration <100fs

  • 2.5W average power available

  • Access to 1040nm pulses

Features & Benefits

  • Compact laser housing

  • Intuitive web browser interface

  • Power efficient laser cavity (low power consumption)

Pumped by a PSC1040 ensures delivery of high quality ultrashort pulses in the green.

Part number




Free space


Output power

Up to 2.5W

Up to 1.8W



Pulse duration


Pulse energy

> 25nJ

> 18nJ

Repetition frequency


Beam parameters

Free space & FC:

M2 < 1.3, Linearly polarized; 100:1

Divergence < 1.0 mrad

Beam diameter

~1.5 mm

Control interface

Ethernet and web page, Serial port


Voltage 110 – 240V AC, Frequency 50 – 60Hz, Power 80W


426 x 250 x 108 mm (pump source laser head)

240 x 114 x 90 mm (520 laser head)

483 x 285 x 88 mm (control unit – 19” 2U rack mount)

femto-second lasers

fs lasers

Application Notes:

  • Measuring Picosecond Fluorescence Lifetimes using a FSC 520

  • Deep tissue cardiac imaging using the FSC 1040

  • SHG imaging in starch and collagen fibres using the FSC 1040

  • Two-photon fluorescence microscopy using the FSC 1040

  • Two-Photon Lightsheet Microscopy using the FSC 1040

  • Heating of Hybrid Gold-Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Biological Media using the FSC 1040

  • Supercontinuum using FSC 1040

  • Two-Photon quantum interference and entanglement at 2.1μm using the FSC 1040 and Near-IR OPO

  • Active FTIR-based stand-off spectroscopy using a femtosecond optical parametric oscillator

  • White powder identification using broadband coherent light in the molecular fingerprint region

  • Stand-off identification of aerosols using mid-infrared backscattering Fourier-transform spectroscopy (Near-IR OPO)

  • Photon counting LIDAR at 2.3μm wavelength with superconducting nanowaves

  • Open-path multi-species remote sensing with a broadband optical parametric oscillator

  • Experimental observation of gain in a resonantly pumped Pr3+doped chalcogenide glass mid-infrared fibre amplifier

  • Dual-comb spectroscopy in the spectral fingerprint region using OPGaP optical parametric oscillators

  • Infrared fingerprint-region aerosol spectroscopy

  • Molecular fingerprint-region spectroscopy from 5 to 12μm using an orientation-patterned gallium phosphide optical parametric oscillator

FSM Series Femtosecond Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers

1. Femtosecond Mode Locked Seeder

The Femtosecond Mode Lock Fiber Laser is a compact, high-reliability laser featuring an all-fiber design (no bulk optics) with a center wavelength of 1030 nm at an average output power of 10mW, repetition rate of 25 MHz with pulse duration of 600 fs.

femtosecond laser


  • Mode-locked Seeder for High-Power, High Reliability Systems

  • Biomedical and Biological Imaging

  • Multiphoton Microscopy

  • Ultrafast Spectroscopy

  • Terahertz Imaging

  • Optical Metrology

  • Microfabrication and micromachining

  • Material Characterization


  • All-Fiber Design for Greatly Improved Laser Lifetime

  • Femtosecond Pulsed Output on PM Fiber

  • Superior Beam Quality

  • Compact Size

  • Optical Tap Output and GUI Control Included


  • Central Wavelength: 1030nm

  • Repetition Rate: 25MHz

  • Pulse Duration: 600 to 800fs

  • Output Power:  3 to 10mW

2. High Power Femtosecond Mode Locked Fiber Lasers

The 920nm and 1190nm are made up of two modules: 2RU pump module 440 x 343 x 92 (mm), and the Femtosecond Fiber Laser - 284 x 324 x 116 (mm).

femtosecond laser

The high-power Mode Locked Femtosecond Fiber Lasers operate at the 920nm and 1190 nm spectral range - which is traditionally covered by ultrafast Ti:Sapphire lasers and optical parametric oscillators. They generate linearly polarized nearly transformed-limited pulses with a pulse duration of 200 fs, at a repetition rate of 80 MHz, and an average power of 1 W.

Compact and maintenance-free, the lasers are fiber-based, have a very good beam profile, and do not require optical alignment.

The Femtosecond Fiber Laser is a natural product extension with its extensive suite of our visible fiber lasers developed for the microscopy industry, and its existing line of Picosecond Pulsed Mode Locked Fiber Lasers.


  • 920 nm and 1190 nm MLFL

  • Emits sub 200-femtosecond optical pulses

  • Repetition rate of 80 MHz or custom

  • Average output power of 1 W at the central wavelengths of 920 nm and 1190 nm


  • Multi-photon Microscopy

  • Ultra-fast Spectroscopy

  • Terahertz Imaging

  • Can be used as a seed source for Titanium–Sapphire systems

Part numberFSM-MLFL-920-femtoFSM-MLFL-1190-femto
Central Wavelength9201190nm
Repetition Rate8090MHz
Pulse Duration100200fs
Average Output Power≥ 1≥ 1W
Spec. Width1010nm
Beam Diameter11mm
PolarizationLinear, 99Linear, 99%

femtosecond laser

FSF Series High Power Femtosecond Fiber Laser

1. FSF Series High-power Femtosecond Fiber Lasers

FSF series high-power fs fiber laser is a 1030 nm high-power femtosecond fiber laser delivering up to 160µJ at 20W. With truly monolithic all-fiber front-end this laser provides fast warm-up time, unprecedented long-term stability and hands-free operation. Contrary to free space laser amplifiers, fiber amplifiers ensure unbeatable beam pointing stability even in harsh environment.

femtosecond lasers

The laser is the right choice whenever there is a need for the high power and high pulse energy while maintaining a very short pulse duration. Some applications include:

  • Micromachining

  • Glass cutting

  • Surface structuring

  • Ophthalmology

  • Non-linear optics

  • Pumping of Optical Parametric Amplifiers


  • Automated pulse duration tuning

  • Second Harmonic Generation output

  • Third Harmonic Generation output

  • Fourth Harmonic Generation output

If you require continues wavelength tuning, please contact us for more information.

Maximum average power> 10 W> 20 W> 30 W
Maximum pulse energy> 50 μJ> 50 μJ> 100 μJ
System base repetition rate100 kHz – 25 MHz, selectable with control software
Pulse duration< 250 fs (FWHM)
Pulse duration tuningOption: Ask for details
Central wavelength1030 ± 5 nm
Optional wavelength outputs515 nm, 343 nm, 258 nm
Built-in pulse pickerPulse on demand, any division of the base repetition rate
Beam quality M2< 1.3
PolarizationLinear, vertical
External gating triggerIncluded
Laser control softwareIncluded
Laser head size1096x446x97mm (LxWxD)
Power supply size3U 19” rack unit: 485x376x132mm (LxWxD)
Electrical100-240VAC, 50/60Hz, <250W
Operating temperature15-35oC
Operating humidityNon-condensing
Chiller size3U 19” rack unit: 485x381x132mm (LxWxD)
Electrical100-240VAC, 50/60Hz, <10A

We also have the laser with power up 100W. Please contact us for more information.

2. FSF Series Low-power Femto-second Fiber Lasers

FSF series fiber laser is a compact, single-box, all-fiber femtosecond laser, specifically designed to meet the most demanding applications in the field of neuroscience, bio-photonics, microscopy and engineering. With pulses as short as < 180fs, average power up to 2W at 1030nm and option of second harmonic at 515nm, it is an irreplaceable tool in every lab that needs a reliable, turn-key, ultrafast light source. Thanks to its unique construction and SESAM-free technology it is a cost-effective solution that provides high pulse energy (up to 100nJ) with an excellent beam quality. Our industrial design facilitates easy integration with both experimental and commercial systems.

femtosecond lasers

The laser can be used in applications that need pure and stable laser pulses. This includes:

  • Multi-photon imaging & excitation

  • Neuroscience

  • Optogenetics


  • Truly all-fiber, SESAM-free construction

  • Pulse energy up to 100 nJ

  • Power up to 2 W

  • Pulse duration <190 fs

  • One-box, compact, turn-key solution

Part numberFSF-1030-0.7FSF-1030-2
Maximum average power> 700mW> 2W
Maximum pulse energy> 35nJ> 100nJ
Pulse duration<200fs (<170fs option)<250fs FWHM
System base repetition rate20 ± 2 MHz
Central wavelength1030 ± 5 nm
Optional wavelength outputs515 nm, 343 nm, 258 nm
Beam quality M2< 1.2
PolarizationLinear, vertical
Power supplyStandard 24VDC
Size350x230x60mm (LxWxD)
Electrical100-240VAC, 50/60Hz, <50W
Operating temperature15-35oC
Operating humidityNon-condensing

Laser control software included


  • Shorter pulse option <170 fs

  • Higher-harmonic generation option

  • module converting the 1030 nm output wavelength into 515 nm, 343 nm or 258 nm. Changes the scope of the output power.

  • Automated GDD pre-compensation option

  • Computer controlled GDD pre-compensation tuning 10.000 to -50.000 fs2

FSH Series Femtosecond Fiber Lasers

1. FSH Series Femto-second Fiber Lasers

The FSH series fiber lasers are stable and reliable femtosecond pulsed fiber lasers. This series of products adopts integrated optical and electrical design, pulse width less than 350fs, single pulse energy up to 200μJ, and supports Burst Mode, which can be widely used in semiconductor wafer processing, glass and other hard and brittle materials processing or Welding, processing and processing of polymer materials, medical device manufacturing, ceramics and polymer processing.


  • Single pulse energy up to 200 microjoules

  • Support Burst Mode

  • Pulse width less than 350fs

  • Optical and electrical integrated design

  • One-button operation without any adjustment knob

  • Built-in optical isolation device

  • Built-in pulse selector

  • Remote control, maintenance free


  • Semiconductor wafer processing

  • Ceramic and polymer processing

  • Diamond processing

  • New energy material processing

  • Hard and brittle material processing and welding

  • Polymer material processing

Part NumberFSH-1064-35
Average Power35W
Pulse Energy200μJ @ 175 kHz
Pulse Duration<350fs
Peak Power>500MW
Repetition RateSingle shot to 2MHz
Beam QualityM2≤1.3
Beam Divergence<1mrad, 2θ
Beam Circularity85%
Beam Diameter4 ±2 mm, 1/e2
Polarization Ratio>100:1
Polarization DirectionVertical
Pulse Energy Stability<2% RMS
Power Stability<2% RMS
External ControlRS-232, Ethernet, USB

2. FSH Series Narrow Pulse Width Femto-second Fiber Lasers

femto-second lasers

FSH-Femto-NP (Narrow Pulse Width) series femtosecond fiber lasers can support the pulse width sub 150fs and average output power up to 5 W. Internal second harmonic generation module is also optional. The applications include micromachining, photo polymerization, Multiple photon excitation, Biological Imaging, ultrafast spectroscopy etc.


  • Pulse width <150fs

  • Average power 1-5W

  • Support 1035/517nm output

  • Internal optical isolator

  • Internal power monitor

Central wavelength1035±4nm517±2nm1035±4nm
Average power>1W>400mW>5W
Pulse duration<150fs<150fs<150fs
Pulse repetition rate90-100MHz90-100MHz45±5MHz
Beam qualityM2<1.2M2<1.2M2<1.2
Beam divergence (full)<3mrad<3mrad<3mrad
Beam circularity³90%³90%³90%
Beam diameter3±1mm3±1mm3±1mm
Polarization ratio>100:1>100:1>100:1
Pulse stability<2% RMS<2% RMS<2% RMS
Power stability<1% RMS<1% RMS<1% RMS
Operation temp.10 – 30 oC10 – 30 oC10 – 30 oC

FSY Series Femtosecond Fiber Lasers

FSY series femtosecond fiber lasers have been widely used in the material micro-processing field. Our femtosecond fiber lasers offer >80W average power, >5MHz repetition rate with the pulse energy upto 100µJ.

Center Wavelength1035nm1035nm1035nm1035nm1035nm
Total power>6W>10W>20W>50W>100W
Repetition rate80MHz1Hz - 5MHz1Hz - 5MHz1Hz - 5MHz1Hz - 5MHz
Power stability<1%<1%<1%<1%<1%
Pulse energy
Number of burst pulse
1 ~101 ~101 ~101 ~10
Burst pulse combinatintion energy
Pulse width150fs400fs - 6ps400fs - 8ps400fs - 8ps400fs - 8ps
Beam diameter3mm3mm3mm3mm3mm
Beam pergence<1mrad<2mrad<2mrad<2mrad<2mrad
Sync (trigger) outputSMA TTL pulseSMA TTL pulseSMA TTL pulseSMA TTL pulseSMA TTL pulse
Power supplyAC 100V - 240V, 50/60Hz, Rated output>960WAC 100V - 240V, 50/60Hz, Rated output>960WAC 100V - 240V, 50/60Hz, Rated output>960WAC 100V - 240V, 50/60Hz, Rated output>960WAC 100V - 240V, 50/60Hz, Rated output>960W
Dimensions (L*W*H)680mm*480mm*212mm680mm*480mm*212mm680mm*480mm*212mm1200mm*410mm*141mm1200mm*410mm*141mm
ControlRS232 or DB25RS232 or DB25RS232 or DB25RS232 or DB25RS232 or DB25

STKM Series Femto-second Lasers (EUV to IR)

1. STKM-YFi High Power and Repetition Rate Near-IR Ultrafast Fiber Lasers

The STKM-YFi laser series is a family of high average power, high repetition rate near-IR ultrafast fiber lasers. STKM-YFi products are based on a single rugged opto-mechanical platform and are engineered for hands-free operation.

STKM-YFi Outstanding Characteristics

The STKM-YFi system employs a patented all normal dispersion (ANDi) mode-locked fiber laser coupled with a fiber amplifier. This configuration offers numerous unique advantages, including:

  • Bandwidth supporting sub-100 fs pulses

  • High output energy from oscillator requires less amplification for shorter, low temporal pedestal pulses

  • Robust long-term operation

The short, clean pulses of the STKM-YFi laser series deliver more peak intensity per mJ than competing products. We guarantees both pulse duration and pedestal energy content, verified with a FROG pulse measurement, to ensure each laser pulse is free of picosecond background that robs energy from the main short pulse. Thus, more of the laser output is truly usable, requiring less energy/average power and decreasing the probability of seeing collateral damage and other detrimental interactions.


  • Average power: 5W / 20 W / 50 W (STKM-YFi / STKM-YFi HP / STKM-YFi Ultra)

  • < 150/170/190 fs pulse length with low pulse pedestal gives improved performance for driving nonlinear optical interaction: optimum efficiency at lower pulse energy / average power

  • Tuneable repetition rate (0.5-15, 60MHz)

  • Fully integrated, ruggedized, hands-free laser source

  • Stable over large temperature range (16-26˚ C)

  • Graphical, intuitive software control with integrated diagnostics

  • Computer controlled pulse width pre-compensation: optimize your experiment with no external prisms or gratings

  • No manual adjustments on head

  • Small optical head footprint (~ 30 x 45 cm) for STKM-YFi and STKM-YFi HP

Key Specification

Pulse Width<150 fs (<120 fs typical)<170 fs<190 fs
Compressor Dispersion


±20,000 fs2±10,000 fs2Inquire
Centre Wavelength1035 ± 5 nm1035 ± 5 nm1035 ± 5 nm
Pulse Energy> 0.45 µJ @ 10 MHz> 3 µJ @ 1 MHz> 40 µJ @ 1 MHz
Beam QualityM2 < 1.2M2 < 1.2M2 < 1.2
Average Power> 4.5 W @ 10 MHz> 20 W @ 10 MHz> 50 W @ 10 MHz
Repetition Rate0.5 - 15, 60 MHz0.5 - 15, 60 MHz0.5 - 15, 60 MHz
Auto-Correlation Pedestal


< 12%

< 15%< 20%
Background content< 1.0%< 1.0%< 2.0%
Pre-Pulse Contrast< 0.5%< 0.5%< 1%
Post-Pulse Contrast< 0.5%< 0.5%< 1%
Power Stability*<1% RMS over 12 hours after

30 min warm-up

<1% RMS over 12 hours after

30 min warm-up

<1% RMS over 12 hours after

30 min warm-up

Pointing Stability*< 10 µRad RMS after 30 min warm-up< 10 µRad RMS after 30 min warm-upInquire
Operational Temp. Range16 - 26 °C16 - 26 °C16 - 26 °C
Physical Configuration12"x16"x2.4" (optical head)12"x16"x2.4" (optical head)24"x48"x8" (optical head)
Computer InterfaceLaptop provided, w/GUILaptop provided, w/GUILaptop provided, w/GUI
SHG PowerInquire> 8 W @ 10 MHzInquire
SHG Pulse DurationInquire< 150 fsInquire

*Ambient ± 0.5°C

STKM-YFi and STKM-YFi HP Example Data

STKM-YFi HP power and pointing stability over 50 hours, in typical lab conditionsM-YFi HP clean 131 fs pulses at 20W output (2 mJ, 10 MHz), measured with frequency resolved optical grating (FROG).

STKM-YFi Ultra Example Data:

Average power measured over 20h showing fluctuations < 0.3% RMSMeasured temporal pulse with a duration of 168 fs FWHM operating at 22 μJ at 1 MHz


  • OPCPA seeding

  • OPA pumping

  • Multiphoton microscopy

  • Chemical spectroscopy

  • Precision micromachining of tissues, glass, and plastics

2.STKM-XUUS-5 High Harmonic Generation Source for EUV and Soft X-ray (10nm to 50nm)

fs lasers

Coherent, EUV-wavelength light, made through high harmonic generation (HHG), has finally come of age. STKM-XUUS-5 is our fifth generation of EUV conversion platform designed to offer “black-box” conversion of ultra-short, infrared laser pulses into short wavelength, laser-like radiation. Our patented use of fiber-based HHG architecture ensures repeatable, highly-stable, bright and low gas-usage generation of EUV light.

STKM-XUUS-5 upconverts ultrafast laser pulses into the Extreme UV (EUV or XUV) or soft X-ray regions of the spectrum. Employing HHG processes, the output beam inherits the coherent properties of a driving laser such as the amplifier with wavelengths that can be tuned from ~10 to 50 nm. Moreover, customized systems can generate coherent beams with wavelengths as short as 6 nm. The STKM-XUUS-5 employs our patented hollow waveguide for the high harmonic up-conversion process.

The STKM-XUUS hollow-core fiber, or waveguide, architecture enables harmonics generated by the system to be distinguished from other HHG methods, guaranteeing your harmonics originate from the same point in space every time, minimizing any pointing drift. This architecture optimizes repeatability for your experiments. Additionally, the use of a fiber--rather than typical gas jet or semi-infinite gas cell target geometries--provides superior pressure tunability for phase-matched HHG. Now you can choose robustness without sacrificing flexibility.femto-second laser


  • High Brightess EUV conversion

  • High Efficiency EUV converison, when paired with our amplifier

  • Low Gas Usage

  • Active Stabilization of Input Beam


  • Photo Electron Spectroscopy

  • Coherent Diffractive Imaging

  • Time Resolved EUV Spectroscopy

  • Attoscience

  • Advanced Tomogprahy


  • Wavelength Range (for ~800nm pump): ~10-50nm

  • Flux: Up to 1012ph/s/harmonic

  • Flux Fluctuations (>8 hours): <5% RMS

  • Pointing Fluctuations (> 8 hours): <5μrad RMS

  • Dimensions (mm): 1200 L x 330 W x 176 H

  • Beam Height: 4.5” (114.3mm)

WavelengthFlux*Repetition RatePointing StabilityPower Stability
30 nm>5x1012ph/sec per harmonic1 - 20<5 µrad RMS<5% RMS
13 nm>1010ph/sec per harmonic1 - 10<5 µrad RMS<5% RMS
6 nm>106ph/sec per10% BW1<10 µrad RMS<10% RMS

*Achievable when optimally coupled to our Ti:sapphire amplifier. Performance will vary with other driving lasers.

3. STKM-Hyperion-VUV – Vacuum Ultraviolet Source (115nm to 205nm)

We provide bright femtosecond pulses at numerous wavelengths across the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region, from 6.0 eV (205 nm) to 10.8 eV (115 nm). The discrete tunability of the our STKM-Hyperion-VUV vacuum ultraviolet source enables researchers to study a wide range of materials and materials properties. A simple computer-selected change of photon energy provides a powerful capability, previously only available at a synchrotron; this ability to easily change the laser wavelength can enhance many experiments. For example, in angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments, this tunability allows researchers to distinguish surface effects from bulk effects. For time-of-flight (ToF) studies of molecules, the tunability can distinguish otherwise identical isomers.

STKM-Hyperion-VUV is also highly focusable, and the appropriate optics can be used to reach spot sizes below 10 microns. This ability will allow researchers to examine new types of samples, including materials that are polycrystalline, spatially inhomogeneous, faceted, or simply very small.

STKM-Hyperion-VUV produces pulses with durations below 250 femtoseconds, enabling scientists to probe ultrafast dynamics of molecules and materials. The 1 MHz repetition rate enables rapid data collection and avoids space-charge effects.

Additionally, STKM-Hyperion-VUV is “application ready,” including the appropriate focusing and beam-steering elements to enable fast integration with experimental apparatus. Importantly, STKM-Hyperion-VUV can be used with a window between the source and the experimental chamber, guaranteeing that applications demanding ultrahigh vacuum (such as ARPES) will remain contamination-free.

In addition to ARPES, STKM-Hyperion-VUV will enable breakthrough research in photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM), photoionization mass spectroscopy (PIMS) for combustion research, and other studies of next-generation materials and molecular systems.

fs lasers


  • Is discretely tunable

  • Provides high energy resolution

  • Enables femtosecond time-resolved experiments

  • Allows high spatial resolution

  • Provides synchrotron-quality VUV in your lab


  • Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)

  • Time-resolved ARPES

  • Photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM)

  • Photo-ionization mass spectroscopy (PIMS)

  • Molecular time-of-flight (ToF) studies

  • Applications that require tunable VUV light

  • Applications that require femtosecond pulses of VUV light

Features that lead to significant benefits:

Tunable (computer-selected) photon energy between 6–10.8 eV enhances capabilities for laser ARPES experiments:

  • Achieve high momentum resolution using low energy photons (< 7 eV) and still cover higher momentum range using higher energy photons (> 10 eV)

  • Obtain surface vs. bulk information

  • Reveal "hidden bands" by changing wavelength

  • Bandwidth is adjustable to optimize data collection

Tight focal spot provides greater sample flexibility, allowing the study of

  • Extremely small samples

  • Spatially heterogeneous samples

  • Polycrystalline materials

A window provides complete isolation between Hyperion VUV and the experimental chamber, maintaining high vacuum

Femtosecond pulses enable time-resolved experiments

Hyperion VUV measures only 2.5 feet x 5 feet, bringing the power of the synchrotron to your lab

Photon energy (eV)User selectable: 6, 7.2, 8.4, 9.6, 10.8
Repetition rate1MHz
Power stability<5% (RMS)
Photon fluxFull bandwidth (~40meV)Maderate bandwidth (<5meV)
7.2eV1012 ph/s delivered5x1010 ph/s delivered
10.8eV1010 ph/s delivered5x108 ph/s delivered
Laser head size750x1500mm
Electrical power110/230V 20A (x2)

STIM Series Femto-second Lasers

1. STIM-DE Series Femto-second Lasers

Based on patented Fiber Chirped Pulse Amplification (FCPA) technology, the industry-leading FCPA μJewel™ series offers sufficient pulse energy for selected material processing at a near-infrared wavelength of 1045 nm. Harmonic generation packages, which convert its output to visible and UV wavelengths, are available . The FCPA architecture allows users to choose between high energy operation up to 50 μJ pulses at a repetition rate of 100 kHz or 200 kHz, and high average power of 10 W and 20 W at 1 MHz in the fundamental wavelength. The STIM-DE Series allow for material processing at faster rates, depending on the application requirements.


  • Ideal for transparent fs laser material processing, among other applications

  • Proven industrial reliability in the field since 2004 market introduction

  • Mechanical reliability complies with MIL-STD-810F and IEC 60601 standards

  • Factory set up to 5 MHz repetition rate available

  • Naturally induced Air-cooled

  • Regulatory certifications available

  • Complete software/remote diagnostic testing and in-field configuration


Wavelength1045 ± 5 nm1045 ± 5 nm
Average Power≥ 10 W≥ 20 W
Pulse Duration≤ 350 fs≤ 350 fs
Pulse Energy≥ 50 μJ≥ 20 μJ
≤ 1.3≤ 1.3
Repetition Rate200 kHz 1 MHz
Beam QualityM² ≤ 1.3
PolarizationHorizontal with respect to baseplate
Power Stability≤ 1% rms after stabilization over ± 1 ˚C
Output ApertureHeight 55.4 mm
Laser Head Dimensions666 x 520 x 165 mm³
Laser Head Weight≤ 45 kg
Head Heat DissipationMax. 100 W
Controller Dimensions433 x 483 x 222 mm³
Controller Weight≤ 30 kg
Power ConsumptionMax. 1200 W
Operating Voltage100-120 or 200-240 VAC
Output TriggerTTL 100 ns pulse
Operating Temperature20-30 ºC
Storage Temperature0-50 ºC
Warm up time≤ 60 minutes
Cable Length3 m


  • Pulse Select: Allows users to select up to 15 pre-set repetition rate values; typical pre-select repetition rates range from 100 kHz to 5 MHz

  • Pulse Pick: Enables operation from an on-demand single pulse to high repetition rates up to 100 kHz

  • Pulse Flex: A combination of Pulse Select and Pulse Pick; offers the possibility to operate the laser from an on-demand single pulse all the way up to 5 MHz

  • Harmonic Module: Attachable to the laser head to convert its output to visible and/or UV wavelengths

  • Burst mode: Provides bursts of pulses within pre-determined boundary conditions

2. STIM-DX Series Femto-second Lasers

The most compact laser form based on patented Fiber Chirped Pulse Amplication (FCPA) technology. The STIM-DX Series lasers offer sufficient pulse energy for selected material processing at a near-infrared wavelength of 1045 nm with an ideal compact form factor. Harmonic generation packages, which convert its output to visible and UV wavelengths, are available. The FCPA architecture allows users to choose between high energy operation up to 40 μJ pulses, repetition rate up to 5 MHz, and average power up to 10 W depending on the specific source. The STIM-DX Series allow for material processing at fast rates in a light-weight package.


  • Customfit pulse energy and average powers for fs laser material processing applications

  • Proven industrial reliability in the field since 2004 market introduction

  • Mechanical reliability complies with MIL-STD-810F and IEC 60601 standards

  • Factory-set up to 5 MHz repetition rate available

  • Naturally induced Air-cooled

  • Regulatory certifications available

  • Complete software/remote diagnostic testing and in-field configuration


Wavelength1045 ± 5 nm
Pulse Energy≥ 10 μJ≥ 10 μJ≥ 20 μJ≥ 30 μJ≥ 40 μJ
Pulse Duration≤ 450 fs
Average Power≥ 2 W≥ 10 W≥ 3 W≥ 3 W≥ 5 W
≤ 1.3
Repetition Rate100 kHz1000 kHz100 kHz100 kHz200 kHz
Beam QualityM² ≤ 1.3
PolarizationHorizontal with respect to baseplate
Power Stability≤ 1% rms after stabilization over ± 1 ˚C
Output Aperture Height55.4 mm
Laser Head Dimensions550 x 400 x 149 mm³
Laser Head Weight≤ 25 kg
Head Heat DissipationMax. 80 W
Controller Dimensions433 x 483 x 222 mm³
Controller Weight≤ 30 kg
Power ConsumptionMax. 600 W
Operating Voltage100-120 or 200-240 VAC
Output TriggerTTL 100 ns pulse
Operating Temperature20-30 ºC
Storage Temperature0-50 ºC
Warm up time≤ 60 minutes
Cable Length3 m


  • Pulse Select: Allows users to select up to 15 pre-set repetition rate values; typical pre-select repetition rates range from 100 kHz to 5 MHz

  • Pulse Pick: Enables operation from an on-demand single pulse to high repetition rates up to 100 kHz

  • Pulse Flex: A combination of Pulse Select and Pulse Pick; offers the possibility to operate the laser from an on

  • demand single pulse all the way up to 5 MHz

  • Harmonic Module: Attachable to the laser head to convert its output to visible and/or UV wavelengths

  • Burst Mode: Provides bursts of pulses within pre-determined boundary conditions

3. STIM-FX Series Femto-second Lasers

Proprietary Raman-shifting technology that creates a clean pulse shape and spectrum at the unique wavelength of 810 nm makes the STIM-FX series a convenient replacement for the ubiquitous Ti:Sapphire laser. This enables new possibilities for the use of femtosecond lasers in clinical and industrial settings. Since its introduction in 2005, the STIM-FX series has been a reliable workhorse in many applications. It is now available with powers up to 150 or 200 mW at 810 nm and 1620 nm. Target applications include Terahertz wave generation and detection, multiphoton fluorescence microscopy and second harmonic imaging.


  • HX-150 offers continuously adjustable power at dual wavelengths

  • Compact and robust design for easy integration

  • Mechanical reliability complies with MIL-STD-810F and IEC 60601-1 standards

  • Regulatory certifications available


Center Wavelength805 ± 15 nm810 ± 15 nm810 ± 15 nm1620 ± 40 nm1620 ± 40 nm
Average Power≥ 100 mW≥ 150 mW≥ 150 mW≥ 200 mW≥ 200 mW
Pulse Duration≤ 120 fs≤ 140 fs≤ 140 fs≤ 100 fs≤ 100 fs
Dimensions (mm³)230 x 193 x 76
Repetition Rate75 ± 10 MHz
PolarizationHorizontal with respect to baseplateHorizontal*
Power Stability≤ 1% rms after stabilization at 25 ˚C
Output Aperture Height43 mm
Laser Head Dimensions230 x 193 x 76 mm³
Laser Head Weight2kg3kg2kg
Head Heat Dissipation<50 W
Controller Dimensions267 x 267 x 133 mm³
Controller Weight3.5 kg
Power Consumption<250 W
Operating Voltage100-240 VAC at 50-60 Hz
Operating Temperature20-30 ºC
Storage Temperature0-50 ºC
Warm up time≤ 15 minutes
Cable Length2 m

4. STIM-Femtolite Ultra Series Femto-second Lasers

Introduced in 2004, the STIM-Femtolite Ultra is the most compact, reliable Erbium-doped femtosecond fiber laser on the market. It is available in a range of wavelengths and power levels. The Ultra is the descendent of the first commercial femtosecond fiber laser. Together with earlier versions, hundreds of units have been sold around the world, with very low rates of return or failure. No other laser product has the same track record of reliable performance over such long time scales.


  • Compact and robust design for easy integration

  • Proven reliability of the STIM-Femolite series since market introduction in 1995

  • Meets stringent mechanical reliability requirements

  • Complies with IEC 60068-2-27 and 60068-2-6 standards for shock and vi/liation

  • Simple operation by controller panel or 5 V digital input


Center Wavelength780 ± 5 nm1560 ± 5 nm780 ± 5 nm1560 ± 10 nm810 ± 5 nm
Average Power≥ 20 mW≥ 60 mW≥ 20 mW≥ 20 mW≥ 10 mW
Pulse Duration≤ 100 fs≤ 110 fs
Dimensions (mm³)142 x 96 x 38
Repetition Rate50 ± 2 MHz
PolarizationVertical with respect to baseplate
Power Stability≤ 1% rms after stabilization over ± 1 ˚C
Output Aperture Height23 mm
Laser Head Dimensions142 x 96 x 38 mm³
Laser Head Weight0.8 kg
Head Heat DissipationMax. 80 W
Controller Dimensions215 x 200 x 89 mm³
Controller Weight2 kg
Power Consumption<50 W
Operating Voltage100-120 or 200-240 VAC
Operating Temperature20-30 ºC25-35 ºC
Storage Temperature0-50 ºC
Warm up time≤ 30 minutes
Cable Length2 m

5. STIM-FD Series Femto-second Lasers

STIM-FD Series of laser is designed uniquely to deliver fs laser pulses via an optical fiber cable to user application. The laser application primarily targeting at the imaging application of proteins at 1045 nm. However, this product can serve many other applications where a handy delivery of fs pulses are required in flexible fashion. The first product of the STIM-FD Series, STIM-FD/D-FD-100S, offers over 1 W of average fiber delivered power with 200 fs along with high speed blanking function at less than 1 μs. All one-box design cooled by air allows for easy integration into workstations and laser machines. Target applications include microscopy and second harmonic imaging.


  • Fiber-delivered fs pulse by 3-4 m of optical cable

  • Over 1 W of fiber average power

  • Integrated high speed pulse modulator

  • One-box air cooled package


Center Wavelength1045 ± 5 nm
Average Power≥ 1.0 W
Pulse Duration≤ 200 fs
Repetition Rate50 ± 5 MHz
Power Modulationinternal AOM, <1μs
Dimensions (mm³)500 x 540 x 270

STLQ Series Femtosecond Lasers

For ultrafast spectroscopy and other applications, that requires the lowest pulse width, we offer for choosing femtosecond lasers generating in IR, VIS and UV spectral range. Diode pumping that is used in these high technology lasers allows you to improve significantly user characteristics and make this equipment useful not only for scientific laboratories but also for integration in complicated measuring and technological devices.

The family of the STLQ series lasers is completely solid-state femtosecond lasers with high average power, exceptional pulse energy and excellent stability.

Yb-doped crystals used in these lasers allow being pumped directly by a diode eliminating the necessity in an intermediary pump laser used in traditional Ti: sapphire lasers. For this reason, the STLQ series lasers to the full extent combine compactness and reliability of fiber systems with advantages of solid-state technologies. STLQ series lasers have been developed specially for long-term and stable operation with minimum of service. The lasers are built on the turn-key principle and can be operated by a user not experienced in working with laser equipment. Unpretentiousness of the STLQ series lasers is conditioned by the rigid dustproof design with thermal stabilization of all the critical cavity components. Supplement these features with service intervals of more than 10 000 hours and obtain a device which will be duly appreciated by industrial users. Excellent beam quality will satisfy the most demanding requirements of scientists performing fine experiments. Thanks to the SESAM technology you will daily save your time due to self-start of the femtosecond mode immediately after switching on the laser and will be sure in the precision of your experiments thanks to ideal long-term stability of the laser output parameters.

If you need to use the laser you already have in your laboratory for applications requiring VIS or UV femtosecond radiation, it can be supplemented with the SHG (518nm), THG (345nm) or FHG (259nm).


  • Air cooled

  • Completely solid-state

  • Compact dustproof design

  • ≤200fs pulse duration (120fs is available)

  • Excellent stability

  • VIS and UV options

  • Turn-key operation


  • Femtosecond spectroscopy

  • Nonlinear spectroscopy

  • Nonlinear optics

  • High harmonics generation

  • Terahertz generation and detection

  • Multiphoton microscopy

Wavelength, nm (1)1040 ± 51030 ± 51030 ± 51030 ± 5
Average output power, W≥1≥5≥7≥8
Pulse energy, nJ≥10≥70≥ 00≥110
Pulse repetition rate, MHz70 ± 5
Pulse width, fs≤ 150≤ 150≤ 150≤ 150
Spectrum width (FWHM), nm≥ 8≥ 8≥ 8≥ 8
Beam qualityTEM00; M2 ≤ 1.2
Power stability, % (2)± 1± 0.5± 0.5± 0.5
CoolingAir coolingWater-to-airWater-to-airWater-to-air
Electrical service100-240 V, 50 Hz, ≤ 600 W
Dimensions (L×W×H), mm
Laser head670х220х155400х290х120400х290х120400х290х120
Power supply240х240х110410х420х170410х420х170410х420х170

Remark:  Specifications are subject to change without notice.

(1) Second, third and fourth harmonics are available upon request.
 (2) Within 12 hours after warm-up under stable environmental conditions.

The STLQ-200-FX laser typical autocorrelation curve

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